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Funbrunette 07-03-2007 11:15 PM

Ok so I saw sicko...
Thumbs up! :xthumbs:

There's 2 things I refuse to talk about or voice my opinion on, Religion and politics. However I will make an exception...This movie was a master piece! A harsh look at reality.

Sicko boldly and brilliantly challenges entrenched American attitudes about capitalism. Although some scenes are devastatingly heartbreaking and may bring you to tears (I'm a huge suck), Moore's sense of humour and ability to entertain are as strong as ever. He often combines laughter and tragedy in the same scene. While Moore always wears his views on his sleeve, he also takes a step back to let people tell their stories or allows historical clips to speak for themselves(those are FACTS). In the case of Richard Nixon, Moore happily says almost nothing, letting the former president be condemned completely by his own words.

The climax was a trip to Cuba. Moore is often criticized for exaggerating or manipulating facts, but there is always so much truth at the heart of his films. Sicko shows Moore at his very best.

I'm hoping this will open eyes of people who have the power to make changes!

Funbrunette 07-05-2007 08:42 AM



Casa Nova 07-05-2007 12:00 PM

I haven't taken a look at this yet, but I plan too, I've thoroughly enjoyed all of his films. It's nice to know that there are some filmmakers doing docs on issues that matter.

Slippery 07-05-2007 03:43 PM

I think that Michael Moores movies need to be made and shown.
Why do many people get so angry about them? Maybe because it threatens their way of life?

swoop 07-05-2007 07:26 PM

i read the hospital in Cuba that he went to is one that only the rich in Cuba can go to since it's mostly a cash up front policy. not too mention when Castro got sick, they flew in doctors from other countries to assist him. let's not pretend that the Cuban hospitals are all that great.

also the % of Americans he talks about not having insurance, how many of those are kids living with their parents (under their parents plan) as well as the people in between jobs?

12clicks 07-05-2007 07:47 PM


Originally Posted by Slippery (Post 126871)
I think that Michael Moores movies need to be made and shown.
Why do many people get so angry about them? Maybe because it threatens their way of life?

or maybe we don't need any more liars confusing the rabble.

swoop 07-05-2007 10:12 PM

Hey Sicko fans, good article to read:


sassygirl 07-06-2007 03:17 PM

adding it to my lists...Michael Moore is brilliant

Vid Vicious 07-06-2007 09:06 PM

I tend to disagree .. I find Moore's films to be opinionated, and very much one sided .. using historical facts to make his personal views and fights viable ... Actaully that's what I thought of his last one. However his earlier work was way better .. like the flynt michigan piece.

hope this one is better .. I'll wait for the dvd .. I don't enjoy watching digital footage on film.

DonMike 07-09-2007 07:01 PM

Moore may be one sided but since all we seem to be presented with by many of the main news sources are one sided stories as well, why not let someone tell the other side? And besides, do we need more than one person dead because they couldn't afford the cost of health care to show us how crappy the US health care system is? I count myself lucky that I have health care in an industry that doesn't generally provide it. But so many people I know don't have it.

student4ever 07-09-2007 08:32 PM


Originally Posted by swoop (Post 126889)
Hey Sicko fans, good article to read:


thanks for that link - that's the laugh I needed today. :laughout:

yes, the US health system is utter insanity in many ways, but is it any less insane than other countries? No, I don't think so. Does anybody have a solution that is actually viable? Not that I've heard...

I don't have a problem with Moore being a one sided fool who slants things to make his own arguments workable - that's what far too many people do these days. What I do have a problem with is that somehow, it's gained some level of credibility to the point where many people simply accept his ideas as fact. If enough people in the US accept this movie as fact, he may attain his goal of goberment sponsored health care...

personally, I don't think getting the goberment involved with my health is a good plan for my longevity.

Lena_DCB 07-10-2007 03:59 AM

I really want to see this movie as well. I think I will definately go now.

student4ever 07-10-2007 01:05 PM

Ok, honest question for everybody... Clearly, there are people on both sides of liking Moore as a film maker. Take Moore out of the equation and make this a general question - do you pay to see a potentialy controversial movie that you may not agree with to at least see what it's about?

I used to, just so I could feel like I had a basis for argument and to have a valid opinion on the subject. These days, I've gotten to the point where I'd rather vote with my $$ by not contributing to their cause. When it hits HBO or one of the others, I'll watch it there, but I won't pay to see it in a theater or rent it.


DonMike 07-10-2007 01:50 PM


Originally Posted by student4ever (Post 127079)
Ok, honest question for everybody... Clearly, there are people on both sides of liking Moore as a film maker. Take Moore out of the equation and make this a general question - do you pay to see a potentialy controversial movie that you may not agree with to at least see what it's about?

I used to, just so I could feel like I had a basis for argument and to have a valid opinion on the subject. These days, I've gotten to the point where I'd rather vote with my $$ by not contributing to their cause. When it hits HBO or one of the others, I'll watch it there, but I won't pay to see it in a theater or rent it.


It's one thing to not want to support a filmmaker or artist who's agenda is vastly different than yours. I can respect that. But I think it's good to challenge your way of thinking from time to time. I listen to Rush Limbaugh and other right-wing talk radio hosts from time to time. I'm not going to send him any contributions but I like to hear what the other side has to say. Sometimes it makes me rethink why I feel the way I do, sometimes I even find that maybe I hadn't thought some things through, and sometimes it angers me so much that it reaffirms my beliefs. But regardless, if you only keep to things you agree with then you run the risk of justifying your views so much that you believe any hype that comes from people you agree with. And that can turn dangerous very quickly.

student4ever 07-10-2007 02:20 PM


Originally Posted by DonMike (Post 127087)
It's one thing to not want to support a filmmaker or artist who's agenda is vastly different than yours. I can respect that. But I think it's good to challenge your way of thinking from time to time. I listen to Rush Limbaugh and other right-wing talk radio hosts from time to time. I'm not going to send him any contributions but I like to hear what the other side has to say. Sometimes it makes me rethink why I feel the way I do, sometimes I even find that maybe I hadn't thought some things through, and sometimes it angers me so much that it reaffirms my beliefs. But regardless, if you only keep to things you agree with then you run the risk of justifying your views so much that you believe any hype that comes from people you agree with. And that can turn dangerous very quickly.

can't argue with that and that's what I tend to do. I'll read about both sides - I don't usually care where the information comes from if I think it's a valid source. Even when the information source is something I would consider iffy, it will often give me something to seriously consider and could change my opinion. I think the key for me is, I just don't want to support them with my $$ to hear their opinions.

DonMike 07-10-2007 02:24 PM


Originally Posted by student4ever (Post 127092)
can't argue with that and that's what I tend to do. I'll read about both sides - I don't usually care where the information comes from if I think it's a valid source. Even when the information source is something I would consider iffy, it will often give me something to seriously consider and could change my opinion. I think the key for me is, I just don't want to support them with my $$ to hear their opinions.

I totally understand that. Part of me wants to say that we should support people who think differently from us because they have the right to their opinions and views too, but I'd be hard pressed to send good ole' Rush one cent. LOL!

student4ever 07-10-2007 02:40 PM


but I'd be hard pressed to send good ole' Rush one cent. LOL!
:laughout: :laughout:

the only time I really have a problem with people who think differently than I do is when they try to force their opinions on others and feel that theirs is the only opinion worthy of merit.

Magnus3x 07-11-2007 12:14 PM


Originally Posted by Vid Vicious (Post 126931)
I tend to disagree .. I find Moore's films to be opinionated, and very much one sided .. using historical facts to make his personal views and fights viable ... Actually that's what I thought of his last one. However his earlier work was way better .. like the flynt michigan piece.

hope this one is better .. I'll wait for the dvd .. I don't enjoy watching digital footage on film.

True, Vid, that he displays his side of the story, but he can back his facts up with data and the stories from the people in his movies are real. Someone will alway shave different facts though.
Although some of his examples are extreme and he could have found success stories but this is how all the media left and right slant their stories. You have to look at the root of the story. No one can disagree that Health care for the poor and working class, not only in the US, needs to be addressed.

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