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Evil Chris 07-06-2007 10:06 AM

Morons behind the wheel!
There are a lot of things that other drivers on the road do to piss me off, but the one thing that stands out above all else is how most drivers make their turns. Be it left turns or right turns, they all do the same lazy thing.

Here's what I mean. If there are two lanes waiting to turn, and you're in the right lane, once that light turns green you are supposed to turn from the right lane INTO the right lane. If you were waiting in the left, you turn into the left.

What most people seem to do is go from that right lane to as far across the boulevard as they can go into that far left inside lane. No matter who else is turning with them. So if you were the sad individual turning into that left lane, you would be side-swiped. The worst part of all of this is that it is such a common thing, that I doubt there is a driver out there who even thinks about this, let alone thinks that he/she has done anything wrong.

Way3 07-06-2007 10:29 AM

I completely understand what you are saying. So many drivers are completely unaware of what is around them or what is going on around them, or simply don't care!!! They are in their own little world. :geez: When I'm driving I'm always sure to try to leave myself an out! You never know what that other driver is going to do! :viking:

thruma 07-06-2007 11:20 AM

No offense to Montreal but the rest of Canada thinks you guys drive crazy over there!

Evil Chris 07-06-2007 11:36 AM


Originally Posted by thruma (Post 126897)
No offense to Montreal but the rest of Canada thinks you guys drive crazy over there!

None taken! ;)
But the rest of Canada is no better or worse. Vancouver in particular is horrible.

Magnus3x 07-06-2007 11:51 AM

I learned to drive in Quebec and at least they know what to expect as defensive drivers (the worst) and they follow European lane courtesy, fast lanes, left lanes etc.

The worst in the fucking Country is Vancouver, that is the only city I lived in where I almost got out of my car a couple of times to lump people for stupidity. I moved from Vancouer with a new saying on the highway, I call it "Getting Vancouvered".
That means that all 3 or 4 lanes of the highway are a line of cars all going to same speed, the left lane and the far right slow lane all drive in one happy line. You can't pass any of the cars, because they are all going the same speed, 80 Km/h!!!

That being said, you are right Chris, there is a real lack of respect on the road these days, no signaling, tail gating to the extreme and since when did the Mini Van become a performance car lol.. crazy dudes driving like manaics in them things.

SykkBoy 07-06-2007 12:12 PM

I have a 25 mile commute each way to the office every day...I see my share of some of the worst driving in the US...mix a bunch of tourists with a bunch of old people in RVs (and the older they are, the bigger the RV), transplanted Californians, constant road construction and it's a recipe for disaster...

for me the absolute worst is people who don't seem to know how to use their turn signals...ugh

Platinum Chris 07-09-2007 11:54 AM


Originally Posted by Magnus3x (Post 126900)
and since when did the Mini Van become a performance car lol.. crazy dudes driving like manaics in them things.

heh - there are so many times I want to jump out of the truck and punch the dude in the face, or the woman in the tit for driving as erratically as they do with children in the back.

Cyndalie 07-09-2007 12:22 PM

Chris you think that's bad, the circles in New Jersey would drive you INSANE. It's almost impossible not to get pushed out of your lane.

student4ever 07-09-2007 12:44 PM


Originally Posted by Cyndalie (Post 126989)
Chris you think that's bad, the circles in New Jersey would drive you INSANE. It's almost impossible not to get pushed out of your lane.

face it Cynd, the lanes are just an illusion... the circles are really just a giant , multi-player chicken match! :laughout:

Panky 07-09-2007 03:30 PM

What bothers me the most is when clueless road warriors drive in snow, ice, and rain like they do when the roads are dry.

Oh...not sure if these things are popular in other provinces or the states, but around here we have these kids on these mini motorcycle skooter things and the kids insist on revving those things like they are on an adult motorcycle. I hate those things. It sounds like someone is riding a chainsaw. Then some of the kids act like they own the road.

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