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MrYum 07-11-2007 04:42 PM

Free Site Template Usage
Since this is the forum for newbies, figured it was the appropriate place for this kind of info :)

I'm aware that seasoned free site submitters know better, but from what we're seeing submitted, a message for those that are new to free sites seems warranted.

Most all free sites are indeed based on templates...that's pretty much common knowledge. However, submitting the same site every day with a change of title and content can and will have undesired effects. You won't get listed with the vast majority of link sites, but you're likely also doing harm to your domain with the search engines.

Search engines don't like duplicate content and simply changing the title and pics/vids isn't enough to convince spiders it's a different site. Search engine spiders don't 'read' pictures or videos, so a content change isn't going to get the job done.

From a surfer perspective (and this is where the $$$ is for most free site submitters), let's say a link site has a good base of bookmarkers. On Monday, Mr Surfer comes to his link site of choice to find some juicy porn. He happens across your site and takes a look at your hot content, but doesn't buy. On Tuesday, he goes to his favorite link site again...still on his quest for hot porn. He sees a title that creates a quiver in his loins (and that new title just happens to be your same template from Monday, but with a new title). As soon as he sees the same page...colors...layout...promo...text...etc., he's more than likely going to close the page, since as far as he's concerned...he's already seen that site. He'll never make it to your galleries and realize the content is different. Actually, he'll probably feel tricked into clicking into the same damn site again, and may even lose faith in his favorite link site.

These are a couple of the very valid reasons most link sites frown on templates. A wise Green fella recommends creating 30 templates and not using them more than once a month. By the time you re-use the template, the reviewer and Mr Surfer have likely forgotten they saw the same template a month ago.

Personally, I'd recommend stirring up your text when you re-use that month old template to avoid dupe page issues with the spiders too. If you don't want to completely re-write all the text, at least mix it up on the pages...move things around from the entry to the main to the galleries. Make what the spiders see different!

Also, it's worth your time to alter your meta tags if you use them. I'm amazed how many site:domain.com searches result in dozens/hundreds of listings with the exact same description ::-|

Folks, if you're in this game...providing unique pages will serve you well :xthumbs:

keithwoo 07-21-2007 04:04 PM

Good point about free sites. Most people make same site over and over and wonder why they never get listed.

Panky 07-22-2007 05:29 PM

Thank you MrYum! Awesome post indeed and one that everyone who is thinking of getting into freesites or is trying freesites, should read.


MrYum 07-24-2007 11:39 AM

Yea Keith, it's freakin amazing. We've got folks who submit the exact same site once a month...down to the SAME pictures :fryingpan:

Thanks for the kind words Panky :)

zand_stein 07-28-2007 06:01 AM

:)Thanks Mr yum....
you post a good one......
and very sure that many of people will
go to your site........
congrats in advance.....

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