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Significant Other?
Not Like anyone cares but I'm starting to really fall for a girl and get serious, we'll see what happens in the months .. but heres the question:
How old were you when you met the women/man you're married to now or with now? Simple question but I'm just curious... I've always thought I'd stay single til' I was 25 to have my fun and be done with it, then settle down.... but it seems now at 21 I've met someone I'd really like to settle down with. Anyways so theres my thread for the day haha, I'd love to hear your comments on it all, and your relationship stories. |
I met shedevil when I was 40 or 41 after being divorced a few years from my first wife. I sure as hell never wanted a relationship and was very content with single life. I tried every excuse in the book not to get hooked up until it struck me when talking to my dad and he asked, "why her?"- and I said.. "only thing i can think of that we relate is that for the first time in my life, I can tell someone to shut the fuck off and they can do the same to me"
he laughed and said that it was the best indicator of a good relationship is trust and openness. He continued on to say that love is never a feeling but an act of the will. many times you don't 'feel' love, but being dedicated you do it in order to help the other person out. this I learned at 5am when the baby cries and needs a feeding... and my wife is tired. I don't feel love, but I act on love and get up to look after the little one so that she can sleep because she had a rough day. same is also true of her feelings for other women. if she wants to be with a girl, then I can't deny that part of her and stay away... unless I am asked to join - but if two women are together - they are because they dont want a dick around - so why become one? trust is the main thing - as is being able to say whats your on mind without holding back (saying it in love of course). people cheat because they find in someone else things they either lack or are afraid to ask or say in the current one they are with. I'll get off my soapbox now LOL> |
Great words Legacy... you're certainly a man I've come to respect alot on the boards, you know alot about life as well as the industry, & you certainly don't try to talk out of your ass. Thanks for the words.. I definitely know what I want... it's her. After every sentence you said she came to mind... & I've never been happier.
Thanks for the words, and you and your wife seem to be very happy congrats man. |
You tell her, "Ye, I am in the adult Industry!" she laughs and says what ever, and one one beatiful day she will tell you, "Wait... are you seriuos?" & BAM! ... Just you know... Other then that! Congrats! |
Yeh she knows & she's fine with it. I've laid down things I'll be doing etc and shes open to it all so all seems well so far.
BTW feel free to add me on icq since your in the Toronto area. |
Well goodluck moving forward with the person. Me, I see me having to be content with being single for now. I got way too much going on right now. You can't choose when or who your fall in love with so I am hoping I can stay this way.
totally understandable Lena... I wasn't planning to fall for anyone now, since I have so much going on right now.. & I'd much rather prefer to stay single but meh.. Hopefully she can understand a few things & still give me a bit of space.
Im 21, we both work in the adult biz...we're totally fine with it
When I was 22, I fell in love with the man I thought I'd spend the rest of my life with... Since him, I've had three 5-6 year relationships...
I am single right now, I hate being single, and I hope I'll be able to find someone who will accept me for who I am and that I will love as well. Good luck to you... I miss being young... Sophie. |
I met my wife when I was 24, we dated 3 months and then got hitched. We've been married for almost 8 years now. I was totally not expecting to get mariied, especially at a young age, but everything has been perfect ever since. You will know when you meet the right person, something will just click. Good luck.
-B |
I'm single...lol :laughout:
:angel: Kidding! |
you could always join a couple for a lifetime of 3somes ;) |
We met online when we were 23, in person when we were 24, engaged when we were 27 and married when we were 28.
Timing is everything, planning means nothing. |
I was 25 when I met my wife, who is a few years older than me. We've been together for like 17 years... next week marks eight years of marriage!
Is that an invitation??? hihihi! Sophie. |
I met snuggles when she had just turned 18, I was 25. I met her on the phone, was 1,000 miles away from her, talked to her 9 months on the phone, took a week off from work.. flew up here.. that was 19 years ago, we lived together for 2 years, been married for 17. oh the phone call, I was totally drunk, asked her out next friday, next friday was 9 months later..
Here is a couple of things to live by.. 1 You cant make anyone love you, no matter what you do. 2 Who ever your with is going to change over time, no matter what you do they are still going to change. You must be able to except that change in that person. 3 Never fight over money, your just as much at fault for not having it as they are. 4 never go to bed mad at each other 5 always take time for each other. 6 being with someone is bringing two lives together, things cant be all your way, or all there way, but you must meet in the middle. 7 After you have been together so long, unless its important, things dont matter, the only thing that matter is you have each other. 8 If a person is going to cheat, they will cheat, refer to number 1 |
:heart: Great little feel good thread, SOOOOO Much Loooooove in here :heart:
:laughout: |
http://www.stephenpost.com/images/My...drama_lama.jpg |
Sadly, I'm very single.
Even more sadly, I think I know who the girl was that I was supposed to Marry. But I'm pretty sure it ain't gonna happen now. So, I am cast adrift, in a sea of adult pirates, alone in my berth. Wishing for a pirate lass, all of my own. (At least for a few hours!) |
I've had my fair share of boyfriends over the years but the one I have now has been with me (or should I say I have been with him!) for a few years now and we are happy.
Met my wife when I was 37 she was 23 been married 8 years this months.Great fun.
Sarah...how big is your harem anyways?? |
I met my first love in college .. then my second one in university .. I ended up with the ring with her, she was in her early 20's I was in my late 20
s .. then I hooked up with my next mistake in my 30's ... take your time, don't rush anything .. |
Is it time yet? :confused: :scram: :jade: |
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