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Evil Chris 07-13-2007 12:44 PM

Amsterdam show?
Isn't there a show coming up in the fall in Amsterdam?
Anyone have a link for information on that one?

I am considering attending. I love Holland and it has been years since I was there last.

Casa Nova 07-13-2007 12:47 PM

Hmm.. sounds interesting.. when you get the info lemme know.

Platinum Chris 07-13-2007 12:52 PM

Webmaster Access Europe EC.


Not sure if I'm going yet. I think Dave and Bryan are going as they did last year.

Evil Chris 07-13-2007 12:54 PM

Oh snap. I can't go.

Vid Vicious 07-15-2007 12:12 PM

I'm also considering Amsterdam .. For more then one reason .. hee hee

Visualad 07-16-2007 06:20 AM

it looks as if we will be there. but you never know wtf happens.. ;-)

Evil Chris 07-16-2007 08:41 AM

It's happening the same weekend as the President's Cup.

Magnus3x 07-16-2007 03:16 PM

We have gone two years in a row and I love that show and I love being in that Country. We always hit Germany after for Octoberfest and this year we are heading to Ibiza.

Who's in ;)

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