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Platinum Chris 07-13-2007 12:50 PM

New Harry Potter Movie
So, I went to check out the new HP movie with the GF and her friend. Overall, it wasn't too shabby. I heard some conflicted views on it from people that got to go to the advance screenings and such. I definitely recommend the flick for those that like HP and are looking for a decent flick to watch

Above all, I learned yet again why I hate the fucking theatre. These chatty ass bitchsluts sitting next to us kept chatting here and there. I must have told them to shut up 4 times before I completely lost it on them. At one point when it was all quiet and they were gabbing away, I practically yelled for them to shut the FUCK UP or leave if you do not intend to watch the movie.

A couple in front of them turned and said, "yea, shut the fuck up you stupid bitches!" Another said 'Seriously, pipe down'.

At the end when the credits started to roll, they glanced over as they got up and started to make some snarky comments . I waved at them and shouted for them to die in a car crash on the way home.

I have no regrets.

TheLegacy 07-13-2007 01:58 PM

we have a baby and cant get out now.. but the only thing about theatre is the food. and even that.. not enough to make me go out

sassygirl 07-13-2007 05:12 PM

I heard it was good...but then again, am not expecting any from it since the book is much better

Evil Chris 07-14-2007 10:59 AM

I haven't seen even one Harry Potter movie. I remember the hype when the first one came out, and now I think there are several. I'm not even sure how many total. They all seem to blend together for me now.

I know what you mean about chatty, annoying people in the theatre too. A few years back I shocked FB when I pyhsically removed a teenager from a theatre. I might have over-stepped myself there, but he shut up and left. ;)

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