X Nations

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SleazyBear 07-13-2007 03:44 PM

Sponsors Are you looking for a place for free advertisements
Are you looking for a place for free advertisements? Adult Webmaster
Video News does a daily video six days a week. If you have a something to promo, new galleries, new payout anything you would like to promo, we will include it into the news. We are here to inform webmasters thats our business. We are growing fast and advertisement space is available for the month of August. We offer low and completive rates, and we are unique. There is very few places you can actually do a commercial like on television. Wouldn't it be great if you owned a company and you have a video of you sitting at your desk promoting your product with a couple of hot babes at your side? Webmasters would actually see you, and your credibility factor would jump in an instant. Webmasters love us because we give them what they want and what they need, they get the real news of the industry, things they need to know, not a bunch of crap that is unimportant.
You can send your news articles to webmaster at awvns dot com we will be happy to share your news.

keithwoo 07-16-2007 03:18 PM

I will look site over not sure if i can use it or not.

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