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-   -   WILD UNICORNS FOR SALE - PR4 - 960K HITS MONTHLY (http://www.xnations.com/showthread.php?t=18682)

wild 07-14-2007 03:24 PM


Not sure if this is posted in the right place in this forum but if it isn't please could a moderator move it to where it should be.


I am selling as it were 'My flagship Site' Wild Unicorns
Anyone that has been in the link site business for a while will know this is not a new site. It has been in existence 5 1/2 years and is extremely well established and has a good reputation.

I have lots of things going on in my life right now and sadly the sites are not getting the attention they deserve. I will come back in a few months and get back into things but I feel it is time to let go of my baby and give someone else a crack with a blinding site! :hello:

It has 7201 links slisted in google and that accounts for 77.8% of it's overall traffic. The rest is from direct link trades with other well known established link sites.

Last year combined Wild Unicorns recieved over 12 million hits. This works out on average 960k hits monthly.

On this domain you also have 3 TGPS


Each of which is seperately listed in the search engines and has not only standard listings but also numerous link trades on numerous link sites and TGP.

Also 50 free and avs sites in pretty much every niche that are listed in over 100 link sites each are under this domain and they would also go in the sale. They also have good pr as they are listed on my other link sites. Some as high as PR3/4



These free sites are making sales with nasty dollars, platinum bucks and ars, sweet money, free ezine bucks,free ticket cash, CE Mags, CE sites and the traffic does convert as it is all search engine and link site fed.

The same goes with the avs sites that are utilised with multiple gateways and avs for each site - UGAS, Cyberage, Cybersex Network

I have gradulally sold off my link sites sites and this has had it's categories, primary categories (where your links would be) and sites have all been given their PR from one another. None of the buyers of the sites have any intenetions of breaking the links if the recips are all left.

The link site is setup so you own all the links on the primary categories and then the surfers are led to the 'standard links' << submitted links .. after another click - this dramatically increases the CTR to your sponsors.

This link site has a modified admin script whereby it will ONLY allow submitters on your approved list, will check for the recip link on the page, limit the submit to 1 (as many as you choose) daily. Have also got a blacklist should you want it but to be honest you just remove the account.

The site is recieving between 40 - 50 submits a day but 99.999% are accepted as they are all approved submitters. This has only been limited by the fact I have been charging for submit accounts or making sure submitters have sites already listed to verify good character.

There is also a board if you want to use it converse with current submitters and ability to approve your own submitters as you need.

The combined package is doing ok but not currently making as much as it's true potential as I am concentrating on other things in my personal life.

This site is 'MY BABY' so I am not willing to let this site go for a measily amount.

This is setting you up with a VERY WELL EASTABLISHED link site, 3 TGP a page directing to a host of your choice (currently recieving over 1,000 hits a month http://wildunicorns.co.uk/freehost) and numerous link pages set within the site to boost PR and search engine presence.

This is the one site I devoted my life to for nearly 6 years - It is a good buy and anyone buying it will be set-up with a very high money earner if they give it the TLC it deserves.

Please dont make rediculous offers as as much as I feel it is the right time to sell I want a good offer to sell. Make me a good offer and the sale will be immediate.

Interested ??
Any offers contact me at webmaster (at) wildunicorns.co.uk

OR ICQ #68792009

Any questions feel free to contact me and I'll answer them as I can.

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