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-   -   Radical Cash is now paying $40 PPS on Tiffany Paris All Month! (http://www.xnations.com/showthread.php?t=18701)

happypeekers 07-16-2007 04:50 PM

Radical Cash is now paying $40 PPS on Tiffany Paris All Month!
Radical Cash is now paying $40 PPS on Tiffany Paris

We announced the launch of the all new Tiffany Paris just a couple of weeks ago..

And now I'm announcing the launch of a fat new promo that starts TODAY and runs through Aug. 13th -- For the next 4 weeks we're paying a flat $40 Per Signup, or 75% Revshare, for all sales sent to TiffanyParis.com!!

No sales minimums are required, every sale pays $40, including console free sales.

Tiffany has already started shooting new exclusive content for her site and it's being updated twice weekly. All of her content is very high quality and members to her site also get access to 7 others, all of which also offer exclusive content & a total of 12 updates every week.

$40 PPS for the next 4 weeks to try out her new site on your traffic!

Here's some sample pics...

High Res 1

High Res 2

High Res 3

If you're not a webmaster of Radical Cash yet, signup now! We offer just about anything you could need to make more money from the traffic you already have.

Yo Adrian 07-18-2007 06:08 PM

If you need ANYTHING to help pull in a few $40 Tiffany Paris sales just let me know!

I can get you...

Free Content
Free Hosting
Custom Banners & Graphics
Custom Hosted Galleries
Fan Signs
Etc.. Etc... Etc..

Please contact Happypeekers or myself if you need anything... let's make some MONEY together!!

ICQ: 316-754
AIM: yooaadrian
Y!: yooaadrian

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