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uno 07-17-2007 05:52 PM

PanchoDog Relaunches SheDevilDollars.com! 100% Revshare!
PanchoDog Relaunches SheDevilDollars.com! 100% Revshare!

Tuesday, July 17th, 2007

PanchoDog has aquired SheDevilDollars.com!
  • New Bonus Pack - all SDD sites for one low price!
  • 12 sites to promote
  • Modified Tours to include Detailed Bonus and Bonus Packs
  • NO changes to linking codes!
  • CCBill affiliate program with 100% revshare during the rest of July!
  • Alternative Girls, Goth Girls, Punk Girls & of course Normal Ho's!
  • ALL New Tours Coming soon!
  • 6 More Sites Coming soon!
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So what's the story?

She Devil Dollars has been completely redone, with all the tools previously in the program.

You do NOThave to signup again, change codes or anything of the sort.

Simply put, we have purchased the program, made it better & will continue to add improvements in true PanchoDog style! :)

Current sites available for promo:
  1. Ariel Jordan
  2. Allie Pierce
  3. Korri Angel
  4. Whitney 36DD
  5. Christina Chaos
  6. She Devil Dolls
  7. Felony Angel
  8. Tiffany Mars
  9. Dakota Carson
  10. Evilyn Machine
  11. Mckenzie Belle
  12. Candie Crush
and adding 6 more very soon!!!

************************************************** ***********************************

IMPORTANT: Linking codes have NOT changed nor do you need to signup again if you have already signed up.

************************************************** ***********************************


As always if you need anything, want to comment or the like, just send us a line as we are here to help with whatever needs you may have!

ICQ Number: 468-975-076
Name: George
Office Phone: +1 (213) 596-6965


ICQ Number: 111-914
Name: Uno
Office Phone: +1 (213) 596-6965


ICQ Number: 216-929-182
Name: Marco
Office Phone: +1 (956) 236-3683


ICQ Number: 244-185-772
Nickname: Izzy - Panchodog
Office Phone: +1 (213) 596-6965


ICQ Number: 144-735-794
Nickname: Rico - Panchodog
Office Phone: +1 (512) 557-3763


ICQ Number: 149-961-842
Nickname: Scratch - Panchodog
Office Phone: +1 (213) 596-6965


ICQ Number: 75-984-452
Nickname: Arkansas Dave
Office Phone: +1 (858) 769-4002
Mobile: +1 (619) 665-8127

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