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Casa Nova 07-22-2007 01:37 PM

Horse Lovers/riders In here.
So I'm planning a date with the g.f (once she gets back from italy) to go to a horse ranch & learn to ride... first off, How difficult is it, & how foolish will I look?

I'm thinking of going before she gets back from Italy to learn on my own so I know a bit once we go together, but then again I may not cause' it will take away from the experience together .. so on second thought no I won't do that.

But anyways, I know FB owns horses etc, & I'm sure you ride them.. So do you have any pointers? I'm so excited for it, just because I think it would be a great hobby to learn to ride together then go on trails together on weekends. I figure it would be a nice getaway from life just to ride a horse around the forests etc.

So pointers,warning or just anything in general I should be prepared for?

Panky 07-22-2007 06:15 PM

It isn't difficult to learn at all. When you go, the ranch hands will give you the basics of the commands the horse knows. How to pull the reigns to make the horse move right or left, how to keep the horses head up and not snacking as you pass by berry bushes and things like that... If you lean a certain way or push on one side with your leg, the horse will follow the command.

The horse will follow your commands and your movement. Just like any other animal, horses sense body language and tone. If you are afraid of the horse, the horse will sense it.

The ranch will give you tips as to the horses personality and how to interact with him/her.

Pet the horse. Talk to it a little bit. Horses are smart animals. They are very powerful, but gentle too. They are skeptical of you as you are them when you first meet them. Petting the horse, talking to it, and letting the horse smell you, eases everyone.

If you get to go riding on trails through the woods, it is an awesome experience. You will get to see wildlife you might miss on foot. For example, deer will not run when they see a horse. The deer can not smell the human scent because the smell of the horse is more powerful. They also can not see a person sitting on a horse. To a deer, it is all one shape. The deer does not feel threatened or sense danger. Because the horse has a stronger scent, many animals will not be so quick to run because they can't smell the human scent nor "see" a person on the horse.

Casa Nova 07-25-2007 04:24 PM

Thanks for the tips panky! I was told as a guy that when the horse gallops I should kinda standup so i don't hurt the "boys" whats the word on that?

And hey Doesnt FB Own horses, why hasn't she popped by this thread yet?

Panky 07-25-2007 05:15 PM


Originally Posted by Casa Nova (Post 128275)
Thanks for the tips panky! I was told as a guy that when the horse gallops I should kinda standup so i don't hurt the "boys" whats the word on that?

And hey Doesnt FB Own horses, why hasn't she popped by this thread yet?

LOL! I'm not a guy so I don't have any advice as far as protecting the family jewels goes, but it would make sense to rise a little, lean forward. Like a jockey, except you don't need to rise that far off the horse.

For the first few times you ride, you will mostly likely be walking the horse. You don't want to really get into galloping or running the horse until you get to know the horse and a little more experience under your belt.

TheLegacy 07-25-2007 05:24 PM

The answer truly depends on how prepared you want to be to look silly and foolish in front of her. Do you know if she has taken any lessons? If she doesn't know how to ride, then there is something to be said about learning together and looking silly as a team rather than you appearing better than her.

It's great that your asking these questions and shows how much you care for her - but highly suggest that you have a change of clothing so that afterwards if your planning dinner you both don't smell like horse sweat.

Casa Nova 07-25-2007 07:11 PM

Yeh we will bring a change of clothes. & I don't think I'm gonna go get lessons before her though.. id rather it be real. And she use to ride as a kid, but hasn't in a few years. Me on the other hand... I'm a complete newbie too it lol

I may make an ass of myself, but i know it'll be fun regardless. I can't wait to learn more about riding, I actually wanna make it a regular hobby. Now I just gotta wait for her to get back.. i hate being apart.

Thanks again.

zand_stein 07-27-2007 03:46 AM

I agree with Panky, Casa Nova......
riding in a horse is quite difficult, but if you really want to learn about it you need a long patient......
And as a tip also put your heart to the situation, consitrate well because on one mistake you might get hurt.....
Take care in horse back riding man.......

Casa Nova 07-27-2007 04:14 AM

I will certainly be careful, & have tons of respect for the horse. I wanna learn properly, not just learn as fast as I can and be on my way. I really wanna be able to understand the art of it all and be able to control the horse without struggling to much. I can't wait to start learning.

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