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cdsmith 07-23-2007 06:03 PM

Do you really think it's him?

I have my doubts. But I suppose anything is possible. I mean it has been what, 4 years since we ran his fat ass off the boards, I have no idea what form of business he continued with since. All I know is that I haven't seen anyone saying they were scammed by him since that time.

I will say this much though, when I took the issue of his thieving scamming ways to a lot of boards other than GFY I was met with several people coddling and defending him instead of looking into it further and realizing what scumbag he is/was. Some got downright arrogant with me in fact, which quite frankly came as a surprise to me since I don't think I've ever been known to bring a lot of drama or invent it, create it, or otherwise bring false accusations against anyone.

Was happy to have the support of a few who were directly scammed by him though.

I suppose he could very well be crawling out from the bottom of the sludge pond he's been hiding in all this time. What say you?

Is it him?

And if so... are you going to flame his fat ass at every turn? :viking:

TheLegacy 07-23-2007 06:23 PM

You are welcome to post here - but slandering and making accusations against someone would be best served elsewhere.

This board has a model of being positive and assisting those within the industry - you are not going to find those on xnations rising against anyone else much less support a negatively focused thread such as this.

Those here prefer this board because we are NOT about promoting or allowing such threads to exist. If you have a problem with Vid then take it up directly with him rather than attempt to ruin his name.

NOTE: I would be saying this also to Vid if he had made a post about you as well - I have no malice towards you nor Vid, but I find threads like this tiring and best served on boards that allow such behavior.

TheLegacy 07-24-2007 09:20 AM

Your are right - I did misread the thread.

Yet at the same time as has been mentioned in the other thread - xnations is not about airing out ones laundry or speaking negatively of others within the industry as much as it is to learn, have fun with one another as a family - but for the most part to be a model for positive speaking and acting people within the industry.

Far too often we are daily hit with slander and accusations about the improper ways people do business with one another. My feeling is that either you are part of the problem or the solution. This board I am hoping is a solution. To speak positively about the industry and to teach and help those in need do their jobs more effectively by giving them the wisdom learned through the accumulative years of experience of its moderators and owners.

Vid Vicious 07-24-2007 10:03 AM

Karma will bite him in the ass .. always has always will

And please CD .. This is no place for drama let's keep it where it belongs on that other board

cdsmith 07-24-2007 10:27 AM

Something this board might want to take under consideration though is...

sometimes, just sometimes.... certain contraversial things are worth talking about rather than suppressing it and letting it fester. Not every drama or potential conflict... but some.

I've found that avoiding and not talking about certain things isn't often a good thing. But it's a very wise board admin who knows the difference between what is worth discussing and what isn't I suppose. Free speech is nice in theory but few boards actually hit close to it, and when they do they often go the way of a freeforall like GFY can be at times.

Pseudo-drama over. :)

Vid Vicious 07-24-2007 10:30 AM

someone once told me .. Bury it deeep in side .. that way when it does come back out .. it will come out with mighty fury ... LOL

cdsmith 07-24-2007 10:36 AM


Originally Posted by Vid Vicious (Post 128137)
someone once told me .. Bury it deeep in side .. that way when it does come back out .. it will come out with mighty fury ... LOL

Now that's just CrAzY talk. :D

TheLegacy 07-24-2007 11:10 AM


Originally Posted by cdsmith (Post 128135)
Something this board might want to take under consideration though is...

sometimes, just sometimes.... certain contraversial things are worth talking about rather than suppressing it and letting it fester. Not every drama or potential conflict... but some.

I've found that avoiding and not talking about certain things isn't often a good thing. But it's a very wise board admin who knows the difference between what is worth discussing and what isn't I suppose. Free speech is nice in theory but few boards actually hit close to it, and when they do they often go the way of a freeforall like GFY can be at times.

Pseudo-drama over. :)

I do understand your logic CD if it wasn't the idea that for over 30 boards out there we were the only ones that you can read about controversial issues - but the ratio is about 30 to 2 or so now. Talking to those webmasters here they are simply tired of the other boards... so its not that we are avoiding it, but we are providing a place where people can re-charge their batteries after they get tired of hearing all that crap on the other boards. Besides, do you really need to hear the same story every time you visit all the boards?

(PS: Notice I am working on capitals LOL)

Cyndalie 07-24-2007 12:20 PM

I'm so confused.

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