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painful 07-24-2007 02:41 AM

What do you use?
OK, so I am learning, maybe a little slow but still, I'm learning. I was wondering what ya'll use for updating your site? Me, I'm set up to use an FTP linked to a program called Sitedepth. It's a bit confusing for me, it's all pretty new. What do you guys and gals use? Sitedepth is a bit of a bitch, it won't let me upload some galleries, I must be doing something wrong. It's nice though, I don't have to make thumbs, it does it all for me. I just upload to the FTP, then open Sitedepth and they are there. Auto news, calendar updates if I want, etc. Is this typical software for webmasters to work with?

SinSational 07-25-2007 08:49 AM

sitedepth, aWiz and MAS seem to be the most popular

Virgule3 07-25-2007 11:27 AM

Maybe I'm crazy but I do everything by hand (except thumbnails), including coding for web sites, design, etc... And then, I FTP everything using WSFTP Pro.


Vid Vicious 07-27-2007 02:57 PM

for ftp nothing fancy is needed .. I like core ftp lite, free software, no thrills ...

Cyndalie 07-27-2007 03:02 PM

Update my site... edit in Dreamweaver, upload via WSFTP.

painful 07-29-2007 11:13 PM

See, I don't have dreamweaver, I just use Frontpage. It sucks, but it was free. I use Smart FTP Client for my FTP needs. Still need to either sell the site or find someone interested in running it and sharing the profits 70% to the manager, 30% to me. That's negotiable too.

Virgule3 07-29-2007 11:35 PM


Originally Posted by painful (Post 128599)
See, I don't have dreamweaver, I just use Frontpage. It sucks, but it was free. I use Smart FTP Client for my FTP needs. Still need to either sell the site or find someone interested in running it and sharing the profits 70% to the manager, 30% to me. That's negotiable too.

I do all the designs in Photoshop, then, cut it, have Image Ready (in Photoshop) cut everything and do the main coding.

Then, I use this really sweet software (Sublime) to adjust the codes. I like knowing and understanding codes. It makes things super easy and often faster because since I know what the codes mean, if there is a fuck up, I can find it and correct it by hand.


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