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Cyndalie 07-25-2007 11:16 AM

What Magazines do you Read/Subscribe to?
I just got my digital version of Revenue Magazine today and was wondering what magazines, industry or otherwise you guys read.

Who here gets (and reads) the biz mags?
AVN online
Xbiz world
Fubar Times

The other ones I get are National Geographic (Always!) and pregnancy & newborn (yeah, in training).

What mags do you like?

Virgule3 07-25-2007 11:25 AM

I don't really read any magazines regularily. I'll find the information I need either on the net or in books. I don't even get the paper anymore for the news. I read them on the net.

I like the Reader's Digest though...


TheLegacy 07-25-2007 11:39 AM

I get all of them sent to me. Love reading them

Vid Vicious 07-25-2007 02:55 PM

videography, Broadcast Diologue, Photo (france), Maxim, Summons

Playboy and hustler (usa) naturally

Platinum Chris 07-25-2007 03:28 PM

We bet AVN and Xbiz. Most of us skim thru them.

Casa Nova 07-25-2007 04:29 PM

None. I read everything online.

Though I use to get Maxim every month, til my ex ripped them all up so i stopped bothering to get them.

tomuchcash 07-26-2007 12:54 AM

I only buy NW (New Weekly) but read everything else i see lying around :)

Mister E 07-26-2007 10:57 AM


Cyndalie 07-26-2007 11:18 AM


Originally Posted by Casa Nova (Post 128277)
None. I read everything online.

Though I use to get Maxim every month, til my ex ripped them all up so i stopped bothering to get them.


She jealous of a magazine?

She Devil 07-26-2007 12:24 PM

We get all of those. I read them occasionally when there's something that applies to me.

The best part if someone where to snoop in our office they would assume all the Hustlers, Playboy, Maxims etc belonged to Rob... mwahaha I get off scott-free. pun intended

qwebecexpo 07-26-2007 03:04 PM

AVN Online
Penthouse (for the articles) hahem...
Christian Sunday Post (for the pictures) hahem...

I also buy some Maxim's sometimes when I travel :)

zand_stein 07-27-2007 04:03 AM

I do read all the magazine,.....
diffrent topics brings another information...........

Evil Chris 07-27-2007 10:55 AM

Since I'm online most of the time, I read magazines on the throne more than anywhere else unless I'm travelling (train, plane, etc..)
I like to browse through the Tremblant real estate magazines, but usually it's whatever Steph has lying around. (tabloid stuff) ;)

Cyndalie 07-27-2007 11:16 AM

Haha I know what you mean Chris.

I hate to admit it, but the top of my toilet tank also doubles as a magazine rack :)

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