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bcdjudo7 07-26-2007 12:28 AM

Free Chameleon Submitter License For Promoting!
Sign up to promote www.povauditions.com or www.tialing.com and receive a 1 month trial to the Chameleon Submitter ! Send at least two joins the first month and receive a permenant license to use the Chameleon Submitter for free!!! Also, you get 60 % rev share on initial sign ups and rebills for each program! Sign up at www.povauditionscash.com and www.tialingcash.com. Once you sign up, I'll email you a username and password for the chameleon submitter License, as well as directions to get you started to download softwware! Make sure you include your correct email when you sign up for program. FHG's and promo materials will also be available in the affiliate members area for both programs! Thanks,


keithwoo 07-28-2007 08:28 PM

Thanks I will take a look at the 2 programs to see if i can use them.

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