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D-man 07-27-2007 07:32 PM

ClickYou Launches $32 PPS Program

AMSTERDAM, July 25 2007 - Click You (Clickyou.com) is proud to announce
its launch. The new reseller program is NATS based, pays per signup,
features High Definition custom exclusive videos, and is offering some of
the coolest affiliate bonuses anywhere, including trips to the home office
in Amsterdam. The tours are done in flash, the content is hot and
exclusive, and there are a pile of new webmaster tools like freehosted
galleries (pic and video).

The traffic program is headed by industry veteran Snoops, who was the
co-creator of WebOverdrive.com. Snoops has spent the bulk of her adult
career successfully teaching webmasters how to make more money - both
through WebOverdrive and as a part of the Affiliate Marketing Team of

Click You has also acquired industry veteran Dman, who has been a
marketing pioneer since 1997 and is the creator of many Webmaster sites
most notably PLRadult.com, plrradio.com, and Resourcesubmitter.com.

Click You is the webmaster affiliate program paying out $32 a signup for
hypnogirls.com, handsluts.com, and gotjizz.com. The program is NATS based,
hosted at Eurotivity Hosting Amsterdam, For more information, email

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