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Evil Chris 07-31-2007 01:42 PM

LCD or plasma?
I have heard that both are better than the other.
What's the truth?

Platinum Chris 07-31-2007 02:06 PM

This should help. Written up a couple months ago

Plasma vs LCD

Panky 07-31-2007 02:17 PM

That's an interesting article.

sassygirl 07-31-2007 02:32 PM

LCD for me...plasma is way too expensive here hehehe

Evil Chris 07-31-2007 02:34 PM


Originally Posted by Platinum Chris (Post 128776)
This should help. Written up a couple months ago

Plasma vs LCD

Thanks for that. After reading it through, I think maybe LCD might be the way to go. I'm going to shop around.

qwebecexpo 07-31-2007 11:08 PM

Go LCD Chris... Plasma tends to be cheaper but LCD will last way longer and they heat way less. so you can put it inside wall with not so much ventilation and it will work just fine ...

zand_stein 08-01-2007 12:24 AM

I think its better to have LCD.....
because plasma is very expensive and i think LCD work as like as plasma too..

Quagmire 08-01-2007 08:03 AM


Starting at $3k for a 42" the new Pioneer plasmas are within a reasonable price range.

My friend Ken does high end A/V installs in homes and was at the demo in that article. He says they really are as good as the article claims.

Evil Chris 08-01-2007 08:34 AM

Thanks for the info Quag.
I'm still looking but so far LCD seems to have the edge for me. Still no decision though. I will have to make a point of spending an hour or two at Future Shop soon, putting both types through their paces.

BruceMiller 08-01-2007 09:25 AM

What do you all think about the extra features that the high end models have? Is it worth the extra $$? I remember a guy trying to sell me a DVD player when they first came out that sampled each frame like 6 times and "selected" the best frame to display... I mean, maybe I'm naive, but isn't it all 1's and 0's, so it's either correct or not? I've seen a lot of high end plasmas and LCDs and maybe my eye site sucks, but I really can't tell the difference between a $2000 model and a $5000 model when it comes to watching them...

Magnus3x 08-01-2007 10:24 AM

Oh I thought you were asking about LSD!!!

Plasma color richness and naturalness will prevail in rooms with darker to normal lighting.
LCDs will be better in very brightly lit rooms due to their inherent anti glare technology and brightness.

Terrence 08-01-2007 12:06 PM

Plasma for me it was a gift from the Mrs


SFS 08-02-2007 03:35 PM

Plasma can have a sharper picture if youre watching sports, fast moving action, etc.
LCD is overall a better technology and delivers a richer image if youre into detail.

Plasma can burn out (bulb) and they get hot (not good if you wall mount)

Personally i like the LCDs much better. I have Hitachi 42" in the bedroom, and a LG 60" in the livingroom... NO complaints.

Kenny B 09-06-2007 03:35 PM

Great article, especially since I'm in the market for a TV, Great thread Chris:-)

Terrence 09-06-2007 04:49 PM


Originally Posted by Magnus3x (Post 128867)
Oh I thought you were asking about LSD!!!

That is what i thought

Terrence :laughout:

gary elitedollars 09-06-2007 05:05 PM

Go LCD Chris - don't know if you guys have Tigerdirect over there but you can check their website www.tigerdirect.ca - they had an amazing deal on a full LCD 1080i and 1080p Vizio 47".

rhetorical 09-07-2007 11:35 AM

LCD is the way to go unless you have a very dark viewing room. Plasma has a very shiny reflective surface. If you want a good example of this, the next time you are in the Maple Leaf Lounge at YYZ try and watch the plasma screen there. It is virtually unwatchable because of window reflection. I have a ton of windows and just bought an LCD and it is excellent. Now the cable....that is another matter.

Quagmire 09-07-2007 04:52 PM

I still stand by my original post - http://www.canadahifi.com/comments.php?id_entry=161

Read that article if you're in the market for a TV.

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