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Evil Chris 08-03-2007 01:52 PM


GO LEAFS GO!!! :laughout:

Ronaldo 08-03-2007 02:02 PM

It speaks volumes about how pathetic your team is when a guy that hasn't scored 30 goals in a season is one of your best players.

Enjoy the season. Don't forget the Leaf's now copywrited cry "Wait till next year." I expect it'll be safe to say that by the end of October.

Casa Nova 08-03-2007 02:06 PM

Go Leafs go.. Best team in the league ;)

And we had the most double digit scorers then any other team.. SO sorry if our team has balanced scoring ronaldo.. you're just jealous because we can afford to keep our good players.

Ronaldo 08-03-2007 02:12 PM


Originally Posted by Casa Nova (Post 129008)
Go Leafs go.. Best team in the league ;)

And we had the most double digit scorers then any other team.. SO sorry if our team has balanced scoring ronaldo.. you're just jealous because we can afford to keep our good players.

Grasp at straws all you want. That balanced scoring worked out really well didn't it? It makes it even MORE sad that you CAN afford to keep your best players and you're as bad as you are.

Evil Chris 08-03-2007 02:17 PM

For your viewing pleasure... :)

<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/a3dfngmvVNs"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/a3dfngmvVNs" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>

ANY team in the NHL would be lucky to have a gritty player like Darcy Tucker on their team. Don't fuck with #16!

Ronaldo 08-03-2007 02:22 PM


Originally Posted by Evil Chris (Post 129011)
For your viewing pleasure... :)

<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/a3dfngmvVNs"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/a3dfngmvVNs" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>

ANY team in the NHL would be lucky to have a gritty player like Darcy Tucker on their team. Don't fuck with #16!

The funny thing is you could make ANY player look good with a highlight reel. But the nice thing about Tucker admittedly, is they were able to get all of his career goals in a 3 minute clip.

Evil Chris 08-03-2007 02:27 PM


Originally Posted by Ronaldo (Post 129013)
The funny thing is you could make ANY player look good with a highlight reel. But the nice thing about Tucker admittedly, is they were able to get all of his career goals in a 3 minute clip.

What's your beef with Darcy Tucker? He's a lot like Domi... oh wait, he didn't play for your beloved Jets. Ah that must be it.

Bitter to the end... Hey Ron, it's a big country. Move.

Ronaldo 08-03-2007 02:31 PM


Originally Posted by Evil Chris (Post 129015)
What's your beef with Darcy Tucker? He's a lot like Domi... oh wait, he didn't play for your beloved Jets. Ah that must be it.

Bitter to the end... Hey Ron, it's a big country. Move.

Please. Tucker's a cheap shot artist and a whiner to boot. I know you refuse to see it because he belongs to your beloved Leafs, but there's something I gained when the Jets left town...an unbiased opinion. I GUARANTEE you you haven't won a hockey pool you've been in. Why? Because you waste away picks on your Leafs, just like I did with the Jets.

Even though you can't prove it, come tell me how wrong I am because you certainly can't admit when I'm right...like the other thread.

Evil Chris 08-03-2007 02:38 PM

I don't play any pools with my heart.
I play them with my head.

The Natnet NFL pool from a couple years ago can plainly show you that.
Is that what I "can't prove"? ;)

Ronaldo 08-03-2007 02:41 PM


Originally Posted by Evil Chris (Post 129017)
I don't play any pools with my heart.
I play them with my head.

The Natnet NFL pool from a couple years ago can plainly show you that.
Is that what I "can't prove"? ;)

That proves shit. YOUR team is a HOCKEY team. It's easy to play with your head when you don't have a "Vested" interest.

Evil Chris 08-03-2007 03:05 PM


Originally Posted by Ronaldo (Post 129018)
That proves shit. YOUR team is a HOCKEY team. It's easy to play with your head when you don't have a "Vested" interest.

That's what you think. My NFL team are the Colts. I have cheered for them since the days of Eric Dickerson.
(maybe it's the blue and white) :)

Ronaldo 08-03-2007 03:09 PM


Originally Posted by Evil Chris (Post 129021)
That's what you think. My NFL team are the Colts. I have cheered for them since the days of Eric Dickerson.
(maybe it's the blue and white) :)

Not the same and you know it, but you're the master of spin, so spin away.

Evil Chris 08-03-2007 03:17 PM

Well whatever. You really should be a Coyotes fan. They have a great facility, but oh you wouldn't know that because it was *me* that went to see them play at the last Phoenix Forum. The true fan of the game.

Did you at least try to get Suns tickets? Hmm..

Slippery 08-03-2007 03:19 PM

I'm going out on a limb here and guess that Chris and Ron know one another. ;)

Ronaldo 08-03-2007 03:24 PM


Originally Posted by Evil Chris (Post 129025)
Well whatever. You really should be a Coyotes fan. They have a great facility, but oh you wouldn't know that because it was *me* that went to see them play at the last Phoenix Forum. The true fan of the game.

Did you at least try to get Suns tickets? Hmm..

Actually I did try to get Suns tickets (vs Dallas I believe) but naturally THEY were sold out. The Coyotes? It's hockey man. Not sold out.

Evil Chris 08-03-2007 03:30 PM


Originally Posted by Ronaldo (Post 129029)
Actually I did try to get Suns tickets (vs Dallas I believe) but naturally THEY were sold out. The Coyotes? It's hockey man. Not sold out.

Of course the Coyotes/Avs game had available tickets. I got prime seats right behind #99.

As for the Suns tickets. You didn't try hard enough to get them. You must not be much of a fan. You have connections in Phoenix. You could have gone. You dediced not to.

Ronaldo 08-03-2007 03:38 PM


Originally Posted by Evil Chris (Post 129030)
Of course the Coyotes/Avs game had available tickets. I got prime seats right behind #99.

As for the Suns tickets. You didn't try hard enough to get them. You must not be much of a fan. You have connections in Phoenix. You could have gone. You dediced not to.

You're right if I had REALLY wanted to go, I probably could have found some. I seriously thought it because the two teams playing would have made for a great game, which is why I think it was Dallas. But MY basketball team is the *shudder* TORONTO Raptors. I even feel dirty SAYING I'm a fan of anything Toronto, but unlike the Leafs, they have a good young team and a GM that knows what he's doing. Oh yeah, they made the playoffs last year.

I've asked you this before. Does it hurt KNOWING that the Raptor will win an NBA title LONG before the Leafs win the Stanley Cup? Hell, they could win a championship before the Leafs even make the playoffs again. That's gotta suck.

Actually, I see you as a bandwagon jumper Chris. When the Raps win the title, you'll say you've been watching them and cheering for them for years. Then you'll try to educate us all with your knowledge of basketball. That will be entertaining.

Evil Chris 08-03-2007 03:44 PM

Ron you are indeed a sad specimen of a forlorn sports fan. I think there may even be therapists for you out there. I'm sure there are in the Toronto area since many of the Leaf haters out there are actually loving them in the closet. I have said this about you for quite some time, but I believe that you have just proven it by saying that you are a Raptors fan.

You feel the need to support *something* out of Toronto. Your support of their basketball team is only a facade of your true support of the hockey legend that is the Toronto Maple Leafs. You are repressing your feelings and for this, I do suggest therapy.

Ronaldo 08-03-2007 03:46 PM


Originally Posted by Slippery (Post 129027)
I'm going out on a limb here and guess that Chris and Ron know one another. ;)

Yeah. Every now and then Chris says something totally ridiculous that shows his lack of hockey knowledge and I come in to correct him. Then he changes the subject because he's not able to admit that he's wrong. To get further off topic he starts new threads. It's pathological I think.

Debunking his statement...

Pathetic reply...

Evil Chris 08-03-2007 03:46 PM


Ronaldo 08-03-2007 03:53 PM


Originally Posted by Ronaldo
Then he changes the subject because he's not able to admit that he's wrong

Example A


Originally Posted by Evil Chris (Post 129035)

Casa Nova 08-03-2007 04:23 PM

Ronaldo I gotta shake your hand for liking the Raps. They are a great team, and predict them to be a good dynasty in the next 5 years.. As there players grow so will the team! We have great potential, and a great GM!

But I am still a leafs fan til the end, and must defend them with my blood haha. They made some moves in the off season, & we will just have to see how they work out, you never know Blake may boost Mats up to his old playing days. If bell can step up aswell like he did a few years back we could have a great second line with antro, poni and bell. I'm not saying cup, but we will make playoffs. We were a single point out of playoffs last season, we now have 3 players that are a huge improvement on who we let go (oneil & company). Not to mention a great 2 goalie tandem, which will take the heat of raycrofts shoulders, who is a great young goalie but shouldnt have played as many games as he did last season.

Panky 08-03-2007 04:58 PM

Where's Good Chris? I've never seen him pass up an opportunity to express his undying love and devotion to the Leafs.


Evil Chris 08-03-2007 11:53 PM


Originally Posted by Casa Nova (Post 129038)
But I am still a leafs fan til the end

Oh so is Ron... He's in the closet however. :laughout:

Casa Nova 08-04-2007 12:11 AM


Originally Posted by Evil Chris (Post 129049)
Oh so is Ron... He's in the closet however. :laughout:

There seems to be alot of those types lol:knight:

Evil Chris 08-04-2007 11:00 AM

Come back and discuss Darcy Tucker with me a little more.

Or shall we move on to my favourite all time Leaf, Dougie Gilmour? I guess HE was a cheap shot artist and a whiner too right? ;)

Relentless 08-04-2007 10:08 PM

I know nothing about Hockey... but any guy named Darcy must be one tough son of a bitch. Getting through grade-school as a boy named Darcy means he probably had 2 to 3 fights per day every day.

Evil Chris 08-04-2007 10:55 PM

You're right on Relentless. Ronaldo will say that he's a whiner but Darcy is just a tough as nails hockey player who will fight anyone, hits as hard as anyone in the league, and yes... he puts the puck in the net too.

GOD 08-15-2007 07:30 PM

** Cough cough **

<img src="http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1334/1131634072_d1f05ac854.jpg?v=0">

painful 08-15-2007 08:51 PM

go blackhawks.

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