X Nations

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amateursalon 08-09-2007 04:49 PM

Permanent 70% Payouts If You...
  1. Add AmateurSalon.com FHG's to your site. This includes FHG's that come out in the future as well.
  2. Put a webmaster referral banner or link on your submit page or affiliate page. You also get 10% of all referred webmaster sales.
This offer is good until September 8th, 2007.

Once you sign up as an affiliate and put our FHG's and webmaster referral banner on your site, email 70percent@amateursalon.com.

In the email please include the following:
  • CCBill Username And Partner Account ID
  • URL to the site the Amateur Salon FHG's can be found
  • URL to where the webmaster referral banner or link can be found
I'll verify that the FHG's and webmaster referral banners are on your site and email you back stating if you've been approved. If all checks out, then you are permanently locked into 70% payouts as long as the FHG's and webmaster referral banner or link stays on your site. Please note that FHG's that come out in the future must also be on your site. You will be notified of new galleries via email. We usually put out 10 to 30 new galleries per month.

Any questions,
icq: 350105894

zand_stein 08-10-2007 05:30 AM

Its sounds very interesting.........
good luck for this.......

keithwoo 08-10-2007 07:36 AM

I will take a look when i have more time.

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