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cardinalvices 08-16-2007 02:13 PM

BEST Summer Design Deal is from Cardinal Vices!
CARDINALVICES.COM is a design studio made by webdesigners for webmasters.
Our team provides complex webdesign services for almost 7 years!

Don't miss out on this special. Order one paysite design get another one done for free. For more information contact sales by email, ICQ, AIM, YahooIM, or MSN: http://www.cardinalvices.com/contacts.html

Do you need banners?
Check out our awesome deal: 100 banners for $599

Do you need a cartoon character?
http://www.cardinalvices.com/i/angel.gif http://www.cardinalvices.com/i/dog.gif
Cartoon drawings start from $109 and up.

Check out the massive portfolio:

zand_stein 08-17-2007 04:36 AM

Yah its nice and very unique.....

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