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w2x 08-16-2007 08:05 PM

looking for a traffic counter
I am looking for a counter that can track all my sites with one account. has to be free or a script i can install or buy.

any one knows a good one?

there are about 30 site

not master stats they never send me the login mail.

zand_stein 08-17-2007 04:28 AM

http://http://www.free-traffic-counter.com/?OVRAW=looking%20for%20a%20traffic%20counter&OVKEY =traffic%20counter&OVMTC=standard&OVADID=538562001 1&OVKWID=26125355011
Try to check this out.....
I search for some site and I saw this one,.....
hope it will help a lot/.....

Stephane76 08-17-2007 10:29 AM

http://www.clickzs.com/ is the bomb
I ve been using it for years, all they require for the free version is a little button at the Bottom of your pages....

Hit me up on icq if you need help with it.


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