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-   -   Ok, its 2007. Lets do this again: True Love Or The best sex? (http://www.xnations.com/showthread.php?t=19192)

Visualad 08-29-2007 12:10 PM

Ok, its 2007. Lets do this again: True Love Or The best sex?
Deep and true love - or the best, most intense amazing sex you ever experienced.

If you could only choose ONE of these - which would it be?

For me, I can be in love, but it slowly fades if the sex gets boring. Great sex is what usually sparked "true love" in all my longer previous relationships.

Since I am such a sexual person, if I would have to choose - Id go with great sex. Love without great sex... Well..

Ive been totally attracted to some very intelligent and fantastic women - but then the sex has been bad and Ive slowly lost interest..

Ok, enough of me.. What about you? If you would have to choose.. Which?

Vid Vicious 08-29-2007 12:13 PM

I go fro true love ...

Best sex comes and goes .. but true love is hard to find .. and if you have true love .. it could with stand the true test of time ... with some HArd core Swinger action .. Then you ll have the best of both worlds !!!

Just ask Bruce and Anna .> I'm sure they would attest to that

Funbrunette 08-29-2007 12:13 PM

I'm ashamed to say Best sex :blush: What can I say I'm a :uoink: lol

Visualad 08-29-2007 12:15 PM


Originally Posted by Vid Vicious (Post 130960)
I go fro true love ...

Best sex comes and goes .. but true love is hard to find .. and if you have true love .. it could with stand the true test of time ... with some HArd core Swinger action .. Then you ll have the best of both worlds !!!

Just ask Bruce and Anna .> I'm sure they would attest to that

man.. you twisted this question by introducing the swinger thingie!! dont complicate things!! damn pronographer.. hehehe...

Hmm... It could work - but you would still have boring sex with her and have to look for great sex in other places.. not the same as having great sex in your own home.

But thanks for your twisted reply!! ;-)

Vid Vicious 08-29-2007 12:20 PM


Originally Posted by Visualad (Post 130962)
man.. you twisted this question by introducing the swinger thingie!! dont complicate things!! damn pronographer.. hehehe...

Hmm... It could work - but you would still have boring sex with her and have to look for great sex in other places.. not the same as having great sex in your own home.

But thanks for your twisted reply!! ;-)

Spicing things up will bring out the :uoink: in any women ... sao that boring sex will be no more .. However for this to work you apsolutely need the TRUE LOVE .. without it you have jealousy and eventually a nasty break up .. Happened to me

And Umm ya, didn't you know that Pornography was the answer to most of our problems ?

Evil Chris 08-29-2007 01:06 PM

Definitely LOVE!

Sex is something any animal can do.

TheLegacy 08-29-2007 01:09 PM

My thoughts were the same as Vid. Great and true love is more difficult to find than great sex. Take it from those who have lived many years and fucked many partners - and each one will tell you the same thing. You get bored of great sex eventually and want something more meaningful.

What you are also forgetting is that great sex can also be attained with deepest love - even if the positions and style is the same. Love them deeply and you could do missionary for life - even when they grow old - and it will always be like the first time

Funbrunette 08-29-2007 03:12 PM

Am I the only shallow one here? :laughout:

Evil Chris 08-29-2007 03:15 PM


Originally Posted by Funbrunette (Post 130984)
Am I the only shallow one here? :laughout:

No babe... just spoiled with amazing sex! ::-|

Mister E 08-29-2007 03:50 PM

TRUE love changes as perspectives change. In answer to the question I remember the words of the Russian doll who turned me on to the Goddess Aradia:

Sex with love is sex-magik

Sex without love is black magik

I loved her like no other. The sex was magic!

I choose love, the more difficult of the two and the ultimate reward...

BUT....she's gotta wear toe nail polish or I'm gone...

Terrence 08-29-2007 03:51 PM

I am with FB on that one I go with the sex


carol.prime 08-29-2007 04:12 PM

i would rather go for the true love. amazing sex could learned...hahaha!

TheLegacy 08-29-2007 04:25 PM


Originally Posted by carol.prime (Post 130991)
i would rather go for the true love. amazing sex could learned...hahaha!

well there was that one time up at band camp - thats where I learned all my techniques


peterk 08-29-2007 04:34 PM

Best sex rocks for me hehe

Virgule3 08-29-2007 05:09 PM

I'm torn... I don't know...

I was madly in love with this guy but he couldn't get it up and we were together for 6 years and made love maximum 20 times total. Yes, I admit, I cheated (even though it really isn't me) but I couldn't take it anymore. I had to get something somewhere. He suspected it and officially found out after 4 years and sort of understood...

I left him a year and a half ago. The no sex thing was a big part of why I left but it wasn't the only one.

I have great lovers, I have amazing sex these days but I feel so empty inside. There is this guy... 6'4", the body of a god, and everything is, well, proportionate if you know what I mean and he knows what to do with it... Or another one... 6'2", 23, horny 24/7... anyway... You get the picture...

But yes, I feel really empty inside. There was this guy I mentionned in a post a couple weeks ago but even though he says he has very strong feelings for me, thinks I'm fantastic, etc... he wasn't ready for a relationship... But the feelings were there, the sex was awesome... I couldn't have asked for more...

But if I had to choose one or the other? I really don't know. Today, I say LOVE because I miss being in love, I feel like I'm going to explode, I have so much to give and no one to give it to... But I know from experience that even if the love is the best ever, if there is no sex, it can't last, not for me... It's a necessary part of a relationship for me...


Visualad 08-29-2007 05:25 PM


Originally Posted by Virgule3 (Post 131003)
I'm torn... I don't know...

I was madly in love with this guy but he couldn't get it up and we were together for 6 years and made love maximum 20 times total. Yes, I admit, I cheated (even though it really isn't me) but I couldn't take it anymore. I had to get something somewhere. He suspected it and officially found out after 4 years and sort of understood...

I left him a year and a half ago. The no sex thing was a big part of why I left but it wasn't the only one.

I have great lovers, I have amazing sex these days but I feel so empty inside. There is this guy... 6'4", the body of a god, and everything is, well, proportionate if you know what I mean and he knows what to do with it... Or another one... 6'2", 23, horny 24/7... anyway... You get the picture...

But yes, I feel really empty inside. There was this guy I mentionned in a post a couple weeks ago but even though he says he has very strong feelings for me, thinks I'm fantastic, etc... he wasn't ready for a relationship... But the feelings were there, the sex was awesome... I couldn't have asked for more...

But if I had to choose one or the other? I really don't know. Today, I say LOVE because I miss being in love, I feel like I'm going to explode, I have so much to give and no one to give it to... But I know from experience that even if the love is the best ever, if there is no sex, it can't last, not for me... It's a necessary part of a relationship for me...


its not an easy issue.. But a common one if you ask me.. I know several that are in relationships, loving the partner but slowly fading away cause of bad sex or no sex. I also know tons of singles (like myself) that gets great sex, but from time to time wants something more "deep". It really goes in waves.

Its a hard question and hard to choose, and it really comes down to how you are as a person I think. I am 100% into falling in love with someone and staying dedicated, etc, etc.. But the relationship really needs to have that dynamic, explosive "sex connection" to go along with the love. Without the great sex - I slowly realize it wont work. SImply because im such a sexual person. And if I have to choose, I take great sex, simply because I know IŽll always crave that. If I would choose love without it - I would loose the love part.

Love your honest post. ;-)

dyonisus 08-29-2007 07:23 PM

Why cant I have both...
I would choose true love and hope the woman was open enought o experiement with opening up the vaults to incredible sex!

sassygirl 08-30-2007 07:57 AM

true love for me...

Panky 08-30-2007 09:21 AM

True love. I've broken off relationships with men that I had great sex with simply because the love was not there. Without love, sex is just sex. It's just a physical act. No deep emotion attached to it. With love, one gets the best of both worlds.

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