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Vid Vicious 08-31-2007 10:58 AM

Is super Funny .. Damn .. I haven't laughed like that in awhile! ..

if you like comedey's and are in the mood to bust a gut .. then this is the film for you ! ... I'd call it "Animal house of 2007" ...

Good comedey film always leaves you with a lesson in life and Superbad isn't any different .. After watching super bad I realized something... American Youth needs Porn to live, learn, grow and survive .. Without us there would be no youth .. without us, they would all be virgins.

Can I hear an Amen for porn ?

Evil Chris 08-31-2007 11:21 AM

Yeah we have been meaning to see it ever since we saw the first trailer come out awhile back.

Visualad 08-31-2007 11:27 AM

------> AMEN!

TheLegacy 08-31-2007 12:02 PM

Havent seen it because.. um.. oh wait.. ya.. we got a kid to watch

hopefully when she turns 18 and starts dating that should free up some of our time - until then, I'll have to wait until it hits dvd

Casa Nova 08-31-2007 12:25 PM

Oh man Vid! You're dead on, this movie was the funniest one I've watched in a long time!

All the porn analogies at the beginning had me laughing my ass off.

"im wet"
"I learned about that in health class!" lmfao

SykkBoy 08-31-2007 12:54 PM

So, has anyone here ever had Seth's childhood "affliction"? ;-)

Funbrunette 08-31-2007 01:04 PM

Can't wait to see it...It's up there with Harold and Kumar go to White Castle 2! :xthumbs:

Funbrunette 09-02-2007 10:22 AM

Well....I saw it. Wasn't that good, maybe I was too hyped up.

peterk 09-02-2007 12:28 PM

It was a great movie. I already seen it twice :laughout:

Evil Chris 09-02-2007 02:11 PM

I was a bit let down by it as well. Didn't seem to be going much of anywhere through most of it. Some good laughs though. Maybe it will get better with time.

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