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-   -   So..How was Your summer? Sum it all up in here.. (http://www.xnations.com/showthread.php?t=19246)

Visualad 09-03-2007 08:27 AM

So..How was Your summer? Sum it all up in here..
I planned to take lots of time off and get those long over due vacations going.. But ended up working with diffirent projects probably 75% of the summer months..

I did take some time off, but it wasnt what I would call "vacation".

Im not dissapointed in any way, working is never bad - but I had some damn nice vacations planned..

ahh.. I guess theres always next year´s summer.. ;-)

what about you.. You had a nice summer? worked alot? Had any fun? ;-)

sassygirl 09-03-2007 05:20 PM

havent got summer vacation yet :( and its already fall season!!!

Funbrunette 09-03-2007 10:05 PM

Not long enough but very nice. I got to do some fun stuff with the family and use my pool more than I did last year. Montreal has the best festivals in the summer and I'm happy I took advantage of it this year.

With that said it's not over just yet....We still have some beautiful days ahead. :sunshine:

Now I have to plan my winter getaway somewhere hot and tropical!

Stephane76 09-04-2007 08:49 AM

summer went by too fast and i worked too much, i only took a couple days off to to go to Colorado and Tenessee, went to the beach only a couple of times.
I ll probably take the rest of my time off to go Skiing in December

BruceMiller 09-04-2007 09:55 AM

We barely saw the sun, or even our own pool, it seemed like all we did was work!! We are taking a little trip in Oct to California as kind of our late summer vacation...

Evil Chris 09-04-2007 11:29 AM

We had a great summer! They always seem to go by so fast though don't they?
We did a lot of fun stuff. FB and I made it to the islands for a week alone, we did the family holiday thing in Ontario, and we took Ryan to see dolphins and whales at Marineland plus a lot of swimming, BBQing and golf too.
There's still a lot of BBQing left before it gets too cold to hang out in the backyard though.

Greg B 09-04-2007 12:39 PM

It was going swell until the past week and a half. We had an evil heat wave and it fucked up business. Power outtages for 4 days straight. Last night the worst. Almost 12 hours without power.

I got me some toons to draw and galleries to make and couldn't do that.

Pissed me off.

Vid Vicious 09-04-2007 02:13 PM

Same here . not much happened this summer .. had a few palnned vacations that fell thru . however looking forward to the next few months to make up for lost time .. lastly The one good thing that happened this summer was buying a bicycle .. it got me out of the house and biking around town .. also the lose of my Mustang seems to be a good thing .. I've been walking alot and enjoying it .. so all in all not so bad of a summer

Panky 09-04-2007 03:39 PM

Summer is still good here. :) I'm looking forward to heading back to the states to see some family over the next few months, but other than that, nothing major planned.

gabrio 09-05-2007 07:12 AM

i dont want to say anything because im going to make everybody angry with me then ;-)

gabrio 09-05-2007 07:13 AM


Originally Posted by Vid Vicious (Post 131416)
Same here . not much happened this summer .. had a few palnned vacations that fell thru . however looking forward to the next few months to make up for lost time .. lastly The one good thing that happened this summer was buying a bicycle .. it got me out of the house and biking around town .. also the lose of my Mustang seems to be a good thing .. I've been walking alot and enjoying it .. so all in all not so bad of a summer

what happened with the Mustang vid? it blew with the gasoline leak? i still remember that smell hehe


Vid Vicious 09-05-2007 11:56 AM


Originally Posted by gabrio (Post 131475)
what happened with the Mustang vid? it blew with the gasoline leak? i still remember that smell hehe


Actually I fixed that after u left ..

On the weekend of the montreal show, I got side swiped .. driver side .. I' don't care to repair it, cus winter with the mustang was hell ...

gabrio 09-05-2007 05:13 PM

shit are you okay?

Vid Vicious 09-05-2007 07:05 PM

Yah I'm fine .. sweetums was in the car too, she's good too, banged her knee on the dash, but no bruse or swelling. We never should of got hit. I was a little forward of the stop line (about half a meter) however the driver that hit us was new, first car, first accident. later a nieghbor told me he saw the other drive come towards me .. Basicly where the eyes go the car follows type of thing .. A newbie mistake. Still since it was my stop I should of stayed back (couln't see the on coming traffic cus of a tree line and a huge van that sat in the corner) still though he should of driven right by us .. BTW There has been 3 accidents in that same corner since (reported by a nieghbor, our studio is just up the road)

Oh well ..as the french say ... C'est La vie

Evil E 09-05-2007 08:18 PM

A lot of computer time + Sex/Drugs/Rock'N'Roll(usual parties... well not really drugs or sex... but whatever! mostly just boozing and getting shitfaced) . I didn't go to a pool once. Had some BBQs though. I'm extending my summer by taking a vacation pretty soon :) and I'll go swimming this time.

thruma 09-06-2007 07:21 AM

I was able to hit a few outdoor parties.
Other than that I worked.

It was okay as far as summers go.

Cyndalie 09-06-2007 11:46 AM

No parties or picnics, I did get to se emy family in Florida for 2 days. Just ate well and watched alot of movies this summer.

rhetorical 09-07-2007 11:37 AM

Summer in Vancouver was canceled this year. It was shipped out to Toronto.

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