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twinkley 02-14-2003 10:43 AM

Who loves secksi women??
We all do right??

Well, dont miss todays very special Valentine's Day Women of the Industry Pillow Talk!

Its time once again to let the girls shine! I have Cyndalie and Shan on, I'm hoping to seet talk Hazel and FunB into calling in... and maybe (if I can get her damn ICQ) Kristen too!

Dont miss what could possible be the SECKSIEST Pillow Talk EVER!

3pm Eastern
on IRC - irc.theadultwebmaster.com
JavaChat - http://www.theadultwebmaster.com/chat
Audio - http://www.albumside.com

And special thanks to our sponsor - HTTP://WWW.SPREAD4U.COM - without them - there can be no Pillow Talk!


wsjb78 02-14-2003 12:32 PM

Looking forward to the ICQ notificiation!!!

Evil Chris 02-14-2003 01:24 PM

I wouldn't miss it Twinkley... :D
I want all the details about Jamaica too since Funbrunette and I couldn't make it down there this year...

luke 02-14-2003 01:28 PM

I should be there today. Not at the office right now but should be in time for Pillowtalk!

Cyndalie 02-14-2003 05:36 PM

I had fun with you on the show today Twinkley!
Thanks for having me on :)
Happy V Day!

Purple Haze 02-14-2003 05:40 PM

It was a Great show today Twinkley! :xthumbs:

Purple Haze

HotLipsHooligan 02-14-2003 06:20 PM

Great show today Twinkley! Chick Rule!

BuggyG 02-16-2003 12:29 PM

Re: Who loves secksi women??

Originally posted by twinkley
We all do right??

Well, dont miss todays very special Valentine's Day Women of the Industry Pillow Talk!

Its time once again to let the girls shine! I have Cyndalie and Shan on, I'm hoping to seet talk Hazel and FunB into calling in... and maybe (if I can get her damn ICQ) Kristen too!

Dont miss what could possible be the SECKSIEST Pillow Talk EVER!

3pm Eastern
on IRC - irc.theadultwebmaster.com
JavaChat - http://www.theadultwebmaster.com/chat
Audio - http://www.albumside.com

And special thanks to our sponsor - HTTP://WWW.SPREAD4U.COM - without them - there can be no Pillow Talk!


DAMN!!! first it was those damn 8-4 shifts and I missed the talks shows. Now 3pm-11pm and I still miss it. Ok ma have to start calling in sick those dys or start hitting the boss for the days he owes me off. I gotta get at LEAST 1 show in. BEsides I wanna hear Twinkley's secsay voce!! ummmmm.....not a typo. voce=voice in Eye-talin! hehehe ok it was a typo but didn't want to admit it. But it was an attempt at a cover-up WHICH I must say went pretty good.

Slippery 02-16-2003 01:34 PM

:( I am sorry I missed it I will check it out next week

twinkley 02-17-2003 09:17 AM

Thanks for all the great feedback guys!

I want to thank Cyndalie, Kristen, Shan and everyone for coming on the show, being in the chatroom ... and well, listening :)

You guys make it so much fun!


Shann 02-17-2003 07:46 PM

Thanks for having me! It was fun! What's next weeks topic? Credit card processing? :idea:

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