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TDavid 02-14-2003 03:29 PM

If you post on webmaster boards ...
Evil Chris emailed and asked me to stop by and post (how many others did he do that to here? lolol) You spammer, EvilChris! ;)

So now I'll return the favor and promote today's Script School radio show which is our very first Valentine's Day show ever!

Topic: Webmasters who love to post!
Guests: Webmasters with 1500+ posts at any board (including this one)

I consulted the memberlist here at XNations and see that "Sorry! The administrator has disabled the list of members" so we are unable to send any of you that might fit this criteria (1500+ posts) a private invitation to be a guest on the program.

The show starts at 2pm PT / 5pm ET and the radio feeds are best heard using winamp (download at winamp.com). You can find the stream urls for the show here: http://www.scriptschool.com/radio/

The chat is available at http://www.scriptschool.com/commons/ (java) or IRC at irc.webmasterlive.com #scriptschool

Are there any posting whores here? Come out and share your story with the rest of the group on Valentine's Day!

Hope Xnations webmasters are there to represent! ;)

As for a decent topic for this thread, how about posting how many posts you have at XNations?

Funbrunette 02-14-2003 03:55 PM

I'm a whore...A posting whore that is! :D

TDavid 02-14-2003 04:16 PM

Hey Evil Chris, I was just joking with you man :) It's Valentine's Day ... where's the love?!

Evil Chris 02-14-2003 04:19 PM

TDavid! :D
The silence was deafening wasn't it! LOL

Good to see you and hope to see you around these parts a whole lot more!

TDavid 02-14-2003 04:28 PM

Hi Funbrunette - you look too nice to be a posting whore ;)

EvilChris - you got more than 1500 posts, so drop me your phone number and let's get you on the program today. It's been awhile and I always enjoy chatting with you ;)

This board is in my browser favorites and TiBo (co-producer of the show) is supposed to be stopping by here every week. I'll try my best to return more frequently.

So many boards, so little time to make it to all of them ;)

I have to run now, less than 30 minutes to showtime!

Bestat 02-14-2003 04:36 PM

I used to be a board whore :) But have had no time lately.

*waves* to The Evil One


Evil Chris 02-14-2003 04:39 PM

Bestat and TDavid on the same thread...
Wow I haven't seen that in a long time.... hehehehehe... ;)

HotLipsHooligan 02-14-2003 05:00 PM

Chris got me too LOL. It's a pleasure though. I've been a bad little board whore these days. It's good to see so many friendly faces over here. I think i'll stick around ;)

Cyndalie 02-14-2003 05:44 PM

damn, sorry to miss it!
I've got over 1600 on my board :(
One radio show a day is enough I guess, hehe

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