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Darin 09-14-2002 07:57 PM

>>> PremiumBabes.com TGP
Get your high quality galleries engraved in history. Remember, history repeats itself. Get listed.


fish 09-15-2002 11:33 AM

your gallery is just a small fish in the big ocean of life..
so go with the bigger fish and be seen...
remember.. the big ocean doesn't repeat itself, but history does, so get listed!



Evil Chris 09-19-2002 10:50 PM

Re: >>> PremiumBabes.com TGP

Originally posted by Darin
Get your high quality galleries engraved in history. Remember, history repeats itself. Get listed.


This thing is COOL people..... check it out.. you won't regret it. I finally joined Darin's TGP and it rocks. :cool:

m@rk 09-21-2002 05:05 AM

Hi Fish, nice to see you get here as well, we usually see each other at tgpowners :)

Darin 10-05-2002 02:37 PM

Added a simple template generator. Make an html template and place a few variables where you want all the latest galleries inserted and my system will generate the html for you.

Lazy webmasters can have a hun style or categorized tgp with a thousand new listings every day for their surfers for about 5 mins a day.


Great for newbie tgp webmasters who want to get up and running fast with a tgp to gain bookmark traffic.

cyberpimp 10-05-2002 09:23 PM

Hey Darin,
I have been a member of your gallery mailing list for almost two weeks now, and I love it. I did get your email about the template gen.

How ever I never got a password when I joined. Could you send
it to me another time? I would love to try out the gen.


Darin 10-05-2002 09:47 PM

Done bro, emailed ya.

cyberpimp 10-05-2002 09:59 PM


Darin 10-10-2002 01:48 PM

For anyone not familiar with a template driven webpage. Here is an example. Basically you make a webpage with your advertising, etc and then place variables in certain areas you want free porn galleries for your surfers. Here is a template:


Here is what one of my template generated pages looks like after clicking one button a day and waiting about 20 seconds, see the bottom for the galleries.


I've had a number of people use this now and they just love it, taking requests for any other features you may want to see there as well.

I've also added a cheater submit link, anything thats been switched can be submitted for cheat validity and removed from the db immediately so you can regenerate your site if there is a cheater found.

Darin 10-11-2002 06:29 PM

Okay, I've gone crazy. heh!

I've added a cool FTP option to this bad boy. Now you can get an automatically generated TGP and have it FTP right to your host, or even FREE HOST in about 1 minute a day.

No need to beg for galleries either, theres about 500 to 1000 new galleries in all categories submitted daily.

This is gonna be fun :)


Signup Now, be the first to have NON CGI FREE HOST TGP's all over the net daily.

.. and Xnations was the first board I posted to. How special :)

Darin 10-13-2002 02:39 PM

More news...

Teamed up with Ron at xxxmanager and his traffic trading system is now integrated into the TGP Generator!

Now you can with one click, have a TGP created and ftp'd to your favorite host (even free hosts) and have built in gallery skimming and traffic trading with complete stats!

whooooo check it out, too cool :)


Darin 10-16-2002 12:13 AM

Added Wesley's dailythumbs to the Generator. You can configure the grid settings and the traffic trading and skimming work with it as well.

Each gallery has a link back to CLICK FOR MORE using your trade ID as well.

Here is a sample: http://teen.sexplanets.com/shaved/

Check it all out in the control panel:



Darin 11-02-2002 10:40 PM

Damn Wesley gone and took off from the face of the earth. If anyone knows what happened to him, let me know. He owes me a dollar.

Also, added a new variable to the TGP Generator today, TOPLIST. You can get an instant toplist inserted in your page with the top 10 highest contributors to the traffic pool in the last 24 hours.

Checkout the control panel at http://tgp.premiumbabes.com

Lots of new features going in this week, keep a look out.

Also, any gallery makers contact me regarding a unique hosting service for your galleries that will get you free traffic on a daily basis from my traffic pool.

Vid Vicious 11-09-2002 02:14 PM

I'm new to building webpages ..And even newer to building tgp sites .. However with Darin's program it was a breeze. I'm not new to xxx internet just to site management part .. Chack out my TGP and tell me what you think, All Coments and suggestions will be taken seriously .. Thanks again Darin!

Vid's Veiw TGP Galleries and Free Porn

Darin 12-03-2002 02:42 PM

Added the first beta for blind link galleries.

Now you can place one variable wherever you want a list of blind link galleries like this:

Gallery #001
Gallery #002
Gallery #003
Gallery #004

Etc... link to hosted rotating galleries with text link headers that use your tradeID to trade traffic off to the pool.

Add this now to increase your traded traffic on your generated tgp :)

Juge 12-03-2002 03:04 PM

Darin, I just ICQed ya!

Juge 12-03-2002 03:05 PM

m@rk, I see you're using my graphic for galleryspots, he he. Anyway, you should log into choker's system, msg him with a URL for one of your TGPs, and you'll get a referral code so you can link that instead of directly to the domain. ICQ me if you need any help.

Darin 12-07-2002 08:30 PM

I just added sponsor hosted galleries rotation for blind links into the tgp generator control panel.

Now you can have blindlinks automatically filled into your tgp template and push traffic to all of the sponsor hosted galleries in my database.

There is a new sponsor page that lets you save the various sponsor codes so my system will embed them in all the sponsor galleries.

Make sure to check this out, its rocken http://tgp.premiumbabes.com

I'm getting great feedback on this feature... why push traffic to someone elses galleries when you can have a chance at gaining those 35 dollar signups from the sponsors themselves!

As always, im available icq or email daily to help you out. :D

Mister X 12-07-2002 09:31 PM

This feature is totally kickass! Why send your extra traffic to somebody else when you can make it work for you? This one's a no brainer.you don't have to add those links to hosted galleries in by hand, it's all done for you. Shit you can run one of these tgps on a free host! You don't need cgi or anything else. Just log into the generator and then cut and paste or even ftp directly onto your server. It can't get any easier than that.

Darin 12-11-2002 09:19 PM

Added multi template support.

Basically you can create different templates for your site, archive pages, overflow pages, categorized gallery pages and link them all together.

You can store different templates and simply select from a pull down to generate quick and easy.


Orbitalz 12-12-2002 04:02 PM

Hey Darin, I fucking love your script. anywho.... Are you going to have categories for your {{movies}} variable? basically I'm asking if you're going to have MGP support.

Darin 12-12-2002 04:13 PM

Orbitalz, add me to icq lets talk.

Darin 12-14-2002 02:55 PM

Today we start beta on something VERY cool!

All TGP users of my system automatically get a free Windows Porn Browser that they can offer their surfers for download OR CD distribution!

The browser is automatically branded to the TGP as the start/home page and offers the following features:

1. Branded, TGP used as home and start page.
2. Advertising sidebar slides open under control of hidden tags in the tgp homepage/templates! Use this great feature for targetted advertising to the surfers using this cool app.
3. Built in popup blocker.
4. Connect button automatically logs them into the 'Premium Network' which is a ppm dialer/cable-modem porn network powered by nocreditcard.com ! My users can signup using the links in my system and the connect button embeds the code so you make $$ off each minute the user is connected to the premium network!

A web-download and CD distribution package is available so you can pass out porn browser CDs to anyone you want, at shows, mailers, clubs, you name it.. now TGP owners will be able to gain bookmarkers in a whole new way..


Darin 12-15-2002 11:15 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Here is a snapshot of the branded porn browser. Anyone wanting to promote their sponsors on AND OFF the web, you need to contact me asap!

Darin 12-22-2002 01:38 PM

The branded TGP Portal is released. The release version is available for download and configuration within the contral panel.


Darin 01-15-2003 08:37 PM

Checkit out.. Now you can generate blind link sponsor hosted TGP sites like this one:


In about 1 minute. Hook it up!

I've added hosted thumbs, more variables to push more traffic to the pool for trades, and more.. login or signup now.


Mister X 01-16-2003 02:36 AM

I've said it before and I'll say it again... Sign Up Now! :xthumbs:

Darin 01-17-2003 07:27 PM

Just launched:

TGP Generator referral program!

>> Get your referral links in the control panel at http://tgp.premiumbabes.com

All TGP's generated from your referral link automatically use your TGP's submitted galleries as FILLERS in the templates!

Gain a huge number of incoming traffic links to galleries with your recip on them, add more value for webmasters to submit to you, and increase your search engine link back rankings all in one shot!

Start referring now and see your galleries on tons of TGP pages generated through my system.


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