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nastymed 09-21-2007 06:01 AM

Get DirtyCrooned - Cool Combo MP3-PORN-GAMES-POKER-SOFTWARES
Hi to all webmasters worldwide!

Here comes http://www.dirtycrooner.com a super cool and original paysite :

- Your surfers pay to download all DirtyCrooner mp3 Mixes

- Free Access to tons of adult DVD content
- Free Access to a software to watch tv online - over 600 channels - 3000 radios
- Free Access to an amazing Shooting Games where they can play online
- Free Access to a great Poker Software
- Free Access to the largest webcam community in the world
- Free Anti-Spyware
- Free Anti-Virus
- Free Tracks Eraser (Evidence Eliminator-like product)
- Free Access to a software for Foreign Exchange (FOREX) trading : your surfers can make money online

- Dirty Crooner is in 2 languages : English and French
- Affiliate Tracking and Credit Card processing handled by Verotel.com
- Payments sent weekly by cheque or wire
- Clean product : no upsell, no adware, no spyware, no dialer of any kind, no ripoff!
- Unique CLICKTRAP BANNERS : Why Clicktrap banners ? Some of you will say that these banners are not nice and we can not argue with that! However CLICKTRAP banners have a higher Click-thru-ratio than any other type of banners. If every online advertising agencies uses clicktrap banners, there is a reason ;-) . View our clicktrap banners here : http://www.dirtycrooner.com/cash
You WILL drive more traffic = more money using these banners!
- Payout up to 70% of sales!
- Your surfers have a 6 MONTHS access to the members zone
- Nice price
- We also offer a list of 37 Pay-per-click affiliates platforms on our webmasters page : http://www.dirtycrooner.com/cash

* Promote an amazing COMBO
* Offer your surfers something UNIQUE on the web
* Cool site, cool product, cool price!

If you need any help, do not hesitate to contact us!
icq 97368621

nastymed 03-01-2008 01:08 PM


We extend our offer until end of MARCH 10th, 2008.
Simply signup and start sending some traffic today and your account will placed at 70% PAYOUT LIFETIME.

That's over 14 EUROS per sale - around US $18 per sale !


Stay tuned for more news to come!

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