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Funbrunette 09-25-2007 09:32 AM

So I'm going to see a tarot reader this evening...
She's this greek lady that comes higly recommended...You beleive in this stuff? I'm not sure how much I do...I'll give you my thoughts tomorrow.

I need to come up with three questions...Help please! :laughout:

Terrence 09-25-2007 01:40 PM

I had someone read my tea cup once and it was acurate Funbrunette tell us how it goes.


Casa Nova 09-25-2007 01:54 PM

there is some crazy portuguese lady that people I know go to, and apparently she mentioned me and said I needed to see her immediately.. but she's never met me before.. odd.

I'm not going to go though. Im very speculative, but who knows..

on that note on to the questions.. hmm ask her things you want to know? haha sorry I'm really no help at all am I lol

Vid Vicious 09-25-2007 03:37 PM

I've been to some in the past .. and they've always been dead on acurate about my future ... it's erie

sassygirl 09-25-2007 04:30 PM

i dont believe in those stuff...they may tell you your future or whatever stuff, but in the end, its still you who will decide for your life.

Mister E 09-26-2007 01:48 PM

The Tarot

Mister E 09-26-2007 02:34 PM


Originally Posted by Mister E (Post 132684)
The Tarot


Maybe this time....the Tarot are sentive!

<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]--><o =""></o>The Tarot is like an ancient, magical search engine. They will not respond positively to questions such as, "Will I be healthy?" That is in your control.
<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]--><o =""></o>
Like on Star Trek there is a Prime Directive in Magik and Tarot is a tool of Magik.

Many mystics believe the question leads to a question; the answer leads to apathy.
<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]--><o =""></o>
In other words, to prefix the question with a phrase like...
<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]--><o =""></o>
"If I approach the problem like this, will the outcome be more positive”
<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]--><o =""></o>
as opposed to “what will the outcome be.”
<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]--><o =""></o>
It also helps to visualize the cards. If you don’t have a deck, look at them online...they are quite beautiful.
<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]-->
<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]--><o =""></o>

Funbrunette 09-26-2007 02:48 PM

Well she was pretty good I must say...Obviously I'm not going to live my life based on her reading, but it was entertaining. I was impressed when she told me I had a 4 year old son (how would she know that?) She also read my coffee cup after I drank the Greek coffee (that's some potent stuff...lol) :laughout:

Slippery 09-26-2007 03:16 PM

That's interesting! I have always wanted to get my cards read but never have yet. I have had my palm read before though and I must say that was pretty creepy how much she seemed to know about me.

Janell 09-26-2007 03:42 PM


Originally Posted by Funbrunette (Post 132696)
Well she was pretty good I must say...Obviously I'm not going to live my life based on her reading, but it was entertaining. I was impressed when she told me I had a 4 year old son (how would she know that?) She also read my coffee cup after I drank the Greek coffee (that's some potent stuff...lol) :laughout:

What else did she say? You have my curiousity peaked.

Panky 09-26-2007 03:55 PM

Part of me wants to have a reading out of pure curiosity. The other part thinks it might be better just to not know and let life unfold as it may.

Cyndalie 09-26-2007 04:10 PM

Very cool, nothing like considering perspectives and possibilities.

I think you should ask:

If you are on the right path in mind and spirit :) or any question that can retun maybe insightful advice you can apply to any part of your life.

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