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-   -   Brand NEW version of Chameleon Submitter 4.02 is out! (http://www.xnations.com/showthread.php?t=19457)

xcitizen 09-26-2007 10:29 AM

Brand NEW version of Chameleon Submitter 4.02 is out!
Chameleon Submitter Team is proud to announce that the new version of Chameleon Submitter 4.02 is out today!!

In this version users will be able to enjoy several new features which will make webmaster’s work
even smoother than before.

Here is the ultimate pick:

-> Chameleon Submitter now recognizes even more codes than before. This means even more pass-phrases filled in automatically for an even quicker submit!

-> Extended support to adding new form (script) types; automatically being filled out during submission process.

-> Support to automatic filling out forms located in frames during manual submit!

The upgrade is completely FREE!

To read more about the new version of Chameleon Submitter 4.02 please visit: http://www.chameleonsubmitter.com/wn.php

Still have not tried Chameleon? If you would like to know more about this product or make a purchase, please visit http://www.chameleonsubmitter.com/as.php

Having any questions, do not hesitate to contact us!

Chameleon Submitter Team
E-mail: support@chameleonsubmitter.com
ICQ#: 173087451

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