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julianw 09-27-2007 05:43 PM

Porn Description Generator
Hello there!

A friend recommended me to these forums!

I started about 6 months ago with writing porno descriptions. The first 100 were easy money and I felt this was really worth the money.
Problem is that after 100 .. you start getting "bored" and you run out of ideas etc etc. (well I did!)

So I made a generator ! :-)
Porn Description Generator
The “script” contains 3 files.
* HTML file – Determinate the details of the description
* 2 PHP files that contain the generated text
There are about 10 variables with each 20+ words so that the generated porno description is always above 200 words.
For each variable, there are 10 different sentences.
In total you can get 9900 different porno descriptions (100*100-100 = 9900)

Description example:

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=alt2 style="BORDER-RIGHT: 1px inset; BORDER-TOP: 1px inset; BORDER-LEFT: 1px inset; BORDER-BOTTOM: 1px inset">Hot slender chick Alexandra von Schnitzel from the country of Deutschland. Voluptuous white body ready for anything. She is a 21 year old sex slave with incredible lust and desire, a wild animal!
Mystical deep brown eyes that will enchant you to the point where you want to satisfy her with all your power! Beautiful blonde hair that flows with every curve of her body! Soft lips that set your body ablaze and satisfy your every need. Incredible puffy tits, perfectly curved, D-cup size, something no man can resist to grab. Unbelievable round ass that will arouse your manhood and call to you with every fiber
long slim legs, the cherry on top of the cake. On the pictures you will find Alexandra von Schnitzel having sex with herself. She really enjoys doing this as you can notice by her wet tight pussy. She likes to touch her D-cup size tits while masturbating. What a great girl! </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
Price for the script is 20 dollars. This includes 1 free update a year(more variables + text).
The script cannot be redistributed or edited by the buyer unless the script gets bought including rights for the price of 500 dollars.
More updates can be made by demand for the fee of 35 dollar per hour(more variables or writing more porno).

Payment possibilities: Paypal, bank wire

FOR A DEMO: do not hestitate e-mailing me or PM'ing me!

julianw 09-30-2007 04:51 PM

1 copy sold on here !

julianw 10-04-2007 08:11 AM

another copy sold on here.

MSG me for demo! It's well worth the bucks+time

julianw 10-07-2007 09:25 AM


julianw 10-12-2007 05:43 AM

you can always pm me for a demo. it's worth the bucks !

julianw 10-15-2007 05:40 PM

Now giving away 1 free copy for every 5 copies I sell !

What is the deal?... easy !
I will post every time how far I am of the 5 copies... and as soon as I post "5th copy sold!" ... the first one to PM me after I post, will receive a free copy of the "Porno Description Generator" software!!!!!!!!!!

Currently: 0/5 copies sold

julianw 10-16-2007 03:53 AM

1/5 copies sold!

julianw 10-17-2007 02:27 PM

2/5 copies sold !

julianw 10-20-2007 07:41 AM

3/5 copies sold !

julianw 10-23-2007 05:09 PM

4/5 copies sold !
Nearly there guys :)

julianw 10-24-2007 07:41 PM

5/5 copies sold!
First one gets a free copy!
*** This promotion ends from now on! ***

julianw 10-25-2007 06:51 AM

01:44 AM stfuvt
He was first! I will e-mail him the copy today!
From now on, no more promotion.

julianw 11-29-2007 10:34 AM

still for sale

julianw 12-06-2007 08:20 AM

I am proud to announce:
Epassporte is now 100% fully supported!!

julianw 12-11-2007 04:56 PM

Clearing up some questions about the P.D.G.
Current version is V 2.0. This version works fine, it has proven itsself to many webmasters
Next version is V 3.0. This version takes that P.D.G. to whole new level.
* No longer online program. It will be a .exe with license checks!
* The ability to add in your own sentences in a good-looking GUI (interface)
* The ability to add in your own variables in a good-looking GUI (interface)
* The ability to generate up to 5 generations per time! (Harry, ya're gnna love this one)
* The function of generating the sentences in random order. Not like now, name,age,etc in the same order every time.
* More packages! small,medium,large --> 25,50,75 USD.
* Program itsself in many many languages (my translation company came in handy here)
* The ability to upgrade your package to a higher package
For those of you who own V 2.0 -> The upgrade (as of right now) is free.
The bill of my scriptor is HUGE! I could buy myself a nice small car... but I decided to make this program kickass!
The program is hopefully done somewhere January 2008, but don't sue me if its gonna be february. (program is abnormally big!!!)
You can still just buy V 2.0 and you wil get a free upgrade to V 3.0 !
Hope to clear up some stuff now :)
Feel free to post/bump useless stuff!

julianw 12-17-2007 11:59 AM

Update about V 3.0
The core seems to work fine. We are optimizing it a bit, tweaking it here and there and it should be done within a week.
Once the core is done. GUI will start and many more things such as license checks.
Bill is rising and rising .. I have nearly hit my limit which means I might have to charge a small amount (3-5 usd) to get out of my costs once its done.
But trust me, it is gonna be worth it :)

julianw 12-22-2007 07:54 PM

Christmas special!
Buy yourself a nice porno description generator for X-mas and pay only 15.00 USD instead of the regular 20 USD !!!

PM me now!

(You will also get V 3.0 for free once it comes out with this special)

julianw 12-28-2007 07:18 AM

Christmas special is no more!
From now onwards: 20 USD again.
Thanks everyone!

julianw 01-16-2008 10:31 AM

Quality bumps are better than quantity bumps!

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