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Casa Nova 10-04-2007 08:13 PM

How many programs do you deal with?
SO i was just thinking, I'm sure alot of people have multiple sites, and aswell they deal with multiple different programs. I was just wondering to see on average how many programs do most people do business with (tgps etc).

I'd give you an answer for myself but I havent ventured into that side of things yet... but I plan to, I still have alot of info to accumulate before venturing into it.

Rochard 10-04-2007 08:17 PM

Cherry Pimps has 112 different affiliate accounts..... It was easy to look up because we keep all of our logins in an excel spreadsheet.

Evil Chris 10-04-2007 08:19 PM

Personally I use about 20 different programs for the particular niche of my TGP(s) and out of those about 4 of them get the lion's share of the traffic at any given time.

Cyndalie 10-09-2007 10:35 AM

Personally I try to limit it to 4-5 at a time. otherwise you end up with half earned checks unclaimed all over the place.

TheStout 10-09-2007 12:39 PM

Any of you guys in need of a celeb sponsor?
If so my ICQ is 366209517 I can set you up very nicely and celeb is a great added bonus to your member area. I use about 5 - 6 different programs in my cross sales though.

Nice meeting you guys,


TheLegacy 10-09-2007 04:34 PM

Honestly we are switching over at SexDateCash to start using our members as content shortly. They are hungry for it and it's a great way for them to brag to each other.

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