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Darin 02-15-2003 11:25 AM

>>> Ban The French!
I mean..

What good are they anyway? FUCKEM!

.. lets bomb the French and let Turkey occupy the land.

Mister X 02-15-2003 11:28 AM

Can we bomb Turkey and let the Lithuanians bomb the French and then Blame it all on the North Koreans?

Pidgin 02-15-2003 12:27 PM


Originally posted by Mister X
Can we bomb Turkey and let the Lithuanians bomb the French and then Blame it all on the North Koreans?
Yes you can :p :bonk:

Funbrunette 02-15-2003 12:36 PM


Darin 02-15-2003 12:49 PM


Originally posted by Mister X
Can we bomb Turkey and let the Lithuanians bomb the French and then Blame it all on the North Koreans?
You should join the US military bro, you got some good ideas!!

Panky 02-15-2003 01:20 PM

Quit watching TV. Especially CNN.

<img src="http://smilies.sofrayt.com/%5E/r/biggrininvert.gif" width="15" height="15">


Darin 02-15-2003 03:09 PM


I watch FoxNews. "Fair Balanced News"


.. also they have the HOTTEST chicks! Maybe why they call it FOX news eh?


MegaGiga 02-15-2003 03:15 PM


Originally posted by Darin

I watch FoxNews. "Fair Balanced News"


.. also they have the HOTTEST chicks! Maybe why they call it FOX news eh?


Foxy News rules! May favourite since I saw them do a special on the porn industry..

Jay[neX] 02-16-2003 03:51 AM

Re: >>> Ban The French!

Originally posted by Darin
I mean..

What good are they anyway? FUCKEM!

.. lets bomb the French and let Turkey occupy the land.

No wonder they "hate" Americans with comments like that :)

topsmutlinks 02-16-2003 11:13 AM

LOL I heard a great quote on the news yesterday about the French and this war. He said:

"Going to war without the French is like cooking without an accordian."

In other words, YOU DON'T NEED IT!! :D

Darin 02-16-2003 08:07 PM

Re: Re: >>> Ban The French!

Originally posted by Jay[neX]
No wonder they "hate" Americans with comments like that :)
"THEY" can kiss my hawaiian/sicilian ass.

webgurl 02-16-2003 09:10 PM

Peace No War :sunshine:

Pidgin 02-16-2003 10:02 PM

Ban the french?
What did they do this time? hit botting?? CP??? :mad:
I guess it requires GEO-Targeting by IP! Lucky I use XXXManager.com :rolleyes:
(Also can be done by browser language I guess, but then again we shouldn't ban Quebec - should we? :p )

Tafkap 02-17-2003 06:23 AM

Well, Thanx Darin... No comment...:asleep:

U should ban lots of ppl then... have u heard of the huge demonstrations all over the world that weekend???

Peace & B Wild...

dyonisus 02-17-2003 08:10 AM

So Ban the French b/c they are willing to stand up to the war mongering of Pres. Bush and take a stand for PEACE???

Let the ppl speak...all over the world NOBODY wants this war except the ruling governments of the British and the US. I thought democracy spoke for the people not against!!!

PEACE!!! and believe in the UN!!!

Darin 02-17-2003 11:26 AM

You bunch of hippies!


Yeah, I'd love to ship off a shitload of people in the US off to where they would be more happy.. good thing I'm not in power!

.. and you think Bush is bad.. why don't you go live in Iraq. Better yet, why not try to get some work done without worrying about bomb threats and evacuations of your building.

Few of our members know all about that.

Tafkap 02-17-2003 11:34 AM

Darin, i don't wanna start another "word battle" thread here... got so much to do on other boards...

But when u say "why don't u go live in Irak?", let me reply "why don't u go over there and fight for ur country"??

Ok, nuff said, i won't reply anymore to that thread...

Peace Bro' :luv:

Feynman 02-17-2003 04:19 PM


Originally posted by Mister X
Can we bomb Turkey and let the Lithuanians bomb the French and then Blame it all on the North Koreans?
He he. MisterX, I really like your sharp analysis of the situation.



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