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McKidd 10-11-2007 10:56 PM

do you shut down your computers?
I was having this discussion with some mates tonight about whether or not I should shut down my computer each day. Some say yes, like me and some say you should keep it on and maybe turn it off once a week.

So what's the right answer? Is there a difference between PCs and laptops?
I usually shut down both most every day. Is this a good practice?

Panky 10-12-2007 12:31 AM

Laptops need to be shut down. They aren't meant to stay running. Heat being one of the main issues.

My PC runs for weeks on end without me shutting it down and I've never had an issue. I know it is recommended to shut it down about once a week. I'll shut my PC down during bad storms or when I'm gone for more than a day, but other than that, I'm not real good at sticking to the once a week shut down. I just never really think of it.

Rochard 10-12-2007 01:09 AM

I agree with Panky.

I shut down my laptop when I'm done with it.

PCs generally speaking stay on until I have a reason to shut them off. More or less I won't shut them off unless I know I'll be out of the house for at least 24 hours.

Never had a problem.

Casa Nova 10-12-2007 02:37 AM

I'm the same as Rochard and Panky, I leave my PC on for weeks on end. I haven't shut down my pc in probably 2 weeks.

gabrio 10-12-2007 04:09 AM

you know what? i had it running all the time at the night too, but then not too long ago, i shut it off and guess what? i slept much better, like 200% better!! so right now, yes im shutting it off every night, yet its better for the hard drive, you save him some lifespan too! ;-)

Evil Chris 10-12-2007 09:19 AM

I have a PC and my laptop side by side on a daily basis and I typically turn both of them off every day. Maybe I should leave the PC on a little more often?

Virgule3 10-12-2007 09:49 AM

I never turn my PC off... Except when I'm gone for more than 2 days...


Funbrunette 10-12-2007 11:00 AM

I rarely turn my off....I know I should, but I use it so much. I may try and keep it off a whole weekend...lol :laughout:

TheEnforcer 10-12-2007 12:28 PM


Originally Posted by Rochard (Post 133688)
I agree with Panky.

PCs generally speaking stay on until I have a reason to shut them off. More or less I won't shut them off unless I know I'll be out of the house for at least 24 hours.

Never had a problem.

Exacyly. My two PC's generally stay all the time unless I know a big storm si coming or I'll be gone for like 24 hours or so. Lost a PC to a lightning strike years ago and am very careful about storms now.

carol.prime 10-12-2007 12:37 PM

of course, ill always shutdown my computer after using it. we need to give them some rest. ;)

Panky 10-12-2007 01:34 PM

Shutting down your PC and then turning it back on, is actually harder on your PC then just leaving it running.

The way it was explained to me is think of the bearings in your harddrive like tires on your car. A standing quarter mile is going to wear your tires much more than a rolling quarter mile will.

The force required and the friction created from a dead stop to build the momentum needed is much greater than waking a harddrive from idle. Even when idle, your harddrive still spins, but slower, so it will not take as much force to get it running to full speed as it would starting from a dead stop.

Quagmire 10-12-2007 02:10 PM

I turn my PC off once a month when I drag the case out to the workshop to use the compressor to blow all the dust out. When I wasn't in the habit of doing that my PC would only turn off when the power went out and the UPS ran out of battery power.

PornGuy 10-12-2007 03:26 PM

Except for the new laptop I am working on, I have a cooling pad for each. So far this one does not need one. ( New Dell Vostro ) Anyway. The others I will leave on for as long as about 36 hours, and then reboot them.

Right now though, I am trying to save every penny I can for another move, so I am shutting everything down every night.

Slippery 10-12-2007 03:58 PM

I turn my computer off every day.
Is this a bad practice?

JFK 10-12-2007 04:18 PM

I turn them all of at the end of the day

GinaCochina 10-12-2007 05:19 PM

I shut my work computer off every night, but I can't even remember the last time I shut my computer at home off.

spideriux 10-14-2007 01:50 PM

yeah, every weekend :)

Cyndalie 10-15-2007 09:33 AM

Laptop, never.
Desktop, I dont use all that much so usually I'll turn it off just to save power.

Stephane76 10-15-2007 10:06 AM

i shut it down once every 2 weeks or so

tomuchcash 10-15-2007 10:10 PM

No my work computers just get rebooted once a week coz I need them on for the software I have answering calls.
Home computer always gets shut down coz I only use it like once every couple of months (only coz im always at work lol)
My dad hasnt shut his PC off for years and I swear this is why it is running so bloody terrible but he wont listen to me and says he will only shut it down when need be - need be?? when is this?

seochick 10-16-2007 08:41 AM

i shut it down every night before going to bed. computers need to rest to

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