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Kenny B 10-17-2007 05:57 PM

Hi my name is Kenny and I'm an addict
I'm addicted to Ebay, every day I'm buying stuff, it's nuts! Worse then that I'm wasting hours looking for crap to buy, I need help!

Not just small ticket items either, I get my car on Monday... HELP!

Rochard 10-17-2007 08:15 PM

I went through a phase like that too once, about a year ago. I would go on Ebay late at night and bid on three our four items. One day I totaled up how much I spend on ebay in one month... and haven't bought since then.

Now I've moved over to craig's list.

But only to sell things.

GinaCochina 10-17-2007 08:46 PM

I went through that same thing, minus the big ticket items part. I seem to be really good at buying clothes and earrings that don't even fit me.

Funbrunette 10-19-2007 06:20 AM

"Hi Kenny" :laughout:

What kind of car are you getting?

spideriux 10-19-2007 07:11 AM

Hi Kenny :D :D

Mister E 10-19-2007 10:41 AM


Originally Posted by Kenny B (Post 134006)
I'm addicted to Ebay, every day I'm buying stuff, it's nuts! Worse then that I'm wasting hours looking for crap to buy, I need help!

Not just small ticket items either, I get my car on Monday... HELP!

Hey Kenny, I hear ya loud and clear. For me it was guitars. Old ones that make me drool. When I get home from work it's time for Guitar Porn.

Sometimes its Car Porn.

What are you getting? Car-wise that is?

My brother was an Ebay addict too. Brokers collectibles. Then he found Craigslist.org

Cured his Ebay jones.

Now he needs the other...

Capitalism eh?

It's only illegal when u can't afford it!

Virgule3 10-19-2007 11:28 AM

I'm not too bad with Ebay but it comes and goes... I bought a bunch of photo equipment a while ago, like 6-7 years ago, and since then, only things like Swarovski crystals because I make jewelery and I use the crystals so...


(Here is me and cutie Casanova, I'm wearing a necklace that I made with crystals bought on Ebay.)


TheLegacy 10-19-2007 11:38 AM

Meh, still havent bought anything except plane tickets online - I have all the things I want for now

Kenny B 10-19-2007 02:31 PM

So far this month here's the list:
Nissan 350Z Roadster
Mags and Tires for car
Various gear for it... Nismo, cold air intake, clear markers, stubby antenna etc
Back Pack
Biohazard Zippo
Biohazard Goggles
Gifts for friends a few things for their kids b-days

Thats it for this month so far, I won't say the total value because I'm not trying to show off. I went through some personal stuff recently so I'm having some fun spending some coin.

This ebay kick won't last much longer, I have what I want now and it's time to get my ass back to work:-)

Kenny B 10-19-2007 02:52 PM

Oh and that list doesn't include the stuff I'm currently bidding on, Oakleys and fake pig noses.... We bought a paysite earlier this week, and redoing it IACash style:-)

With the Can $ being so strong it pays to buy all this stuff in the states, such great deals to be had!

Evil Chris 10-19-2007 02:59 PM

Kenny I thought you just went through a bad experience on ebay buying a Caddie?
I hope this one works out better for you man!!

Kenny B 10-19-2007 04:02 PM

If at first you don't succeed try again, and learn from your mistakes. I took all the necessary precautions this time..... well I hope I'll let you know on Tuesday, I'll be heading down to pick it up on Mon:-)

I just hope this nice weather continues for a bit so I can enjoy the drop top

ScreaM 10-19-2007 04:38 PM


Originally Posted by Kenny B (Post 134006)
I'm addicted to Ebay, every day I'm buying stuff, it's nuts! Worse then that I'm wasting hours looking for crap to buy, I need help!

Not just small ticket items either, I get my car on Monday... HELP!

I never understood this eBay addiction. :(

Cyndalie 10-22-2007 10:19 AM

I think I've got you beat.

Items I've won:
4 different pairs of maternity jeans/pants
Baby sweater & pants
hand held massager
Rockabye Baby! Lullaby Renditions Of Pink Floyd CD
On Becoming Baby Wise II
MATERNITY Velour Track Yoga Outfit
baby shoes
maternity thermal "first baby"
lion king hooded towel
baby booties

painful 10-22-2007 12:25 PM

My wife hates when I go on eBay, I always bid on stuff. But recently I've done it for a purpose, like new motorcycle gear and software for the computer. I sold a motorcycle on ebay a few years ago, and other things as well. I hate ebay for making me waste all my time.

Kenny B 10-22-2007 10:59 PM

Well I got my car today that I bought on ebay, and wow what a beautiful day to go topless!

Kenny B 10-22-2007 11:00 PM

Wow you win, nice to see I'm not the only one!


Originally Posted by Cyndalie (Post 134201)
I think I've got you beat.

Items I've won:
4 different pairs of maternity jeans/pants
Baby sweater & pants
hand held massager
Rockabye Baby! Lullaby Renditions Of Pink Floyd CD
On Becoming Baby Wise II
MATERNITY Velour Track Yoga Outfit
baby shoes
maternity thermal "first baby"
lion king hooded towel
baby booties

Evil E 10-23-2007 12:06 AM

I've been on the net for 10years and I don't even have an ebay account.

peterk 10-30-2007 02:59 AM

yeah, e-bay is a good place to buy things

Evil Chris 01-04-2008 02:25 PM

ok... I brought this thread back for a bit because I have been on ebay a lot lately too.
Mostly putting in bids on rare hockey cards for my collection, and some of them are pricey!

Kenny B 01-04-2008 03:27 PM

it's fun isn't it Chris? I've taken a break from my ebay surfing and purchases. I still get something now and then but have really cut down.

Panky 01-04-2008 03:39 PM

I'm not into eBay at all, but I live with someone who is. I don't mind. He's found some really good deals lately. lol! As long as it doesn't get out of hand, it's all good.

Evil E 01-04-2008 04:16 PM


Originally Posted by Evil Chris (Post 138240)
ok... I brought this thread back for a bit because I have been on ebay a lot lately too.
Mostly putting in bids on rare hockey cards for my collection, and some of them are pricey!

Any player in particular? I have a few rookies and 100+ great one's cards.

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