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Mister E 10-23-2007 07:44 PM

It must be ambition that causes me to be working from home after hours.

Who makes the X Nations scene in this time zone?

By the way...I am casting another vote in favour of an X Nations Get It Together

We should film it and repeat twice a year.

Reality TV?

Or just more ambition?

Casa Nova 10-23-2007 08:06 PM

Ambition keeps me up til' 3am every morning

ScreaM 10-25-2007 05:17 AM

Ambition doesn't let me sleep.

Cyndalie 10-25-2007 09:35 AM

Ambition keeps me top of the SE's.
I have no trouble sleeping.

Funbrunette 10-25-2007 10:27 AM


Originally Posted by Mister E (Post 134342)
By the way...I am casting another vote in favour of an X Nations Get It Together

We should film it and repeat twice a year.

Reality TV?

Or just more ambition?

Ok, let's plan this TODAY! Next weekend?

EmporerEJ 10-25-2007 01:31 PM


Originally Posted by ScreaM (Post 134422)
Ambition doesn't let me sleep.

Sleep is for the weak.
It's just an inconvenience that comes in the middle of work sessions.

I can't seem to beat the minimum 6 hour mark though.

Mister E 10-25-2007 01:37 PM

Lord Byron wrote:

Cursed are the dreams that deprive us of sleep

Cursed is the sleep that deprives of pur dreams

...then he died

ScreaM 10-25-2007 03:19 PM


Originally Posted by EmporerEJ (Post 134467)
Sleep is for the weak.
It's just an inconvenience that comes in the middle of work sessions.

I can't seem to beat the minimum 6 hour mark though.

Yup true that is.

rhetorical 10-25-2007 03:37 PM


Originally Posted by EmporerEJ (Post 134467)
Sleep is for the weak.
It's just an inconvenience that comes in the middle of work sessions.

I can't seem to beat the minimum 6 hour mark though.

Product testing?

EmporerEJ 10-25-2007 05:57 PM


Originally Posted by rhetorical (Post 134492)
Product testing?

Yea, that's funny. We'll have to call you "chuckles the clown."
No testing necessary. The product is perfect.


rhetorical 10-25-2007 10:41 PM


Originally Posted by EmporerEJ (Post 134504)
Yea, that's funny. We'll have to call you "chuckles the clown."
No testing necessary. The product is perfect.


Yes, Emp. You already have. You need to get that out of your cache.
Now, you just keep using your machine and pray that someday it will help you with your little problem. Or, you might try and find a real girl.....nah. Forget about it those "girls in Virginia just waiting for your call" just never seem to call back, do they? Perhaps you might need to rethink your cc strategies.

EmporerEJ 10-25-2007 11:30 PM


Originally Posted by rhetorical (Post 134519)
Yes, Emp. You already have. You need to get that out of your cache.
Now, you just keep using your machine and pray that someday it will help you with your little problem. Or, you might try and find a real girl.....nah. Forget about it those "girls in Virginia just waiting for your call" just never seem to call back, do they? Perhaps you might need to rethink your cc strategies.

So, pretty much your M.O. is to just go around and piss on everybody's boards with your own special little version of bullshit?
At what point do you get it that nobody really likes you, or thinks you are clever?

Here's a thought......why don't you spend your time actually doing something, instead of attempting to run down everyone else? These folks are real nice people, and I'm sure they don't want your garbage on their board.

rhetorical 10-26-2007 12:40 AM


Originally Posted by EmporerEJ (Post 134520)
So, pretty much your M.O. is to just go around and piss on everybody's boards with your own special little version of bullshit?
At what point do you get it that nobody really likes you, or thinks you are clever?

Here's a thought......why don't you spend your time actually doing something, instead of attempting to run down everyone else? These folks are real nice people, and I'm sure they don't want your garbage on their board.

And your point is Emp? The others are not nice? You know, you have been stalking me on boards for years. It seems no matter where I go you show up with some kind of snide comment. So why are you so damn obsessed with me? This is getting downright creepy. Your business still in the shitter or something? Or did you actually manage to rescue yourself from that disaster?

EmporerEJ 10-26-2007 01:45 AM


Originally Posted by rhetorical (Post 134522)
And your point is Emp? The others are not nice? You know, you have been stalking me on boards for years. It seems no matter where I go you show up with some kind of snide comment. So why are you so damn obsessed with me? This is getting downright creepy. Your business still in the shitter or something? Or did you actually manage to rescue yourself from that disaster?

Oh, that's rich. You cut & paste that?
Wait, I like the part where I'm "Stalking you."
Let's roll the thread up chuckles.
More like you're stalking me. I'm flattered, really.
Now, just go 'way.

rhetorical 10-26-2007 02:12 AM


Originally Posted by EmporerEJ (Post 134524)
Oh, that's rich. You cut & paste that?
Wait, I like the part where I'm "Stalking you."
Let's roll the thread up chuckles.
More like you're stalking me. I'm flattered, really.
Now, just go 'way.

dude, you know that is not true at all. You follow me everywhere. I post. you post some kind of chuckles remark. Another m.o. thing. If it not from board to board, its from forum to forum. I used to find it amusing, but now it is getting plain weird. All those personal remarks and stalking at amateurmasters got a few people upset. You know that, but you still keep on keepin on. Don't you ever get bored. Why do we have this conversation over and over again on different boards. You might address yourself to this issue. BTW, I was not the one that said you had problem with women. You posted that your ownself. Now, don't you think it is time you gave it a rest?

EmporerEJ 10-26-2007 04:11 AM

You are clearly on crack or some other hallucinogen.
I've got an idea, check your facts.
I was EVERYWHERE before you, and just like this thread, I only post In response to your childish remarks. (Which is probably a mistake to start with)

I can guarantee you a solution. Never post to me, at me, or about me, and you'll never hear from me.
Let's just see how long that could work, huh?
Go be jealous of someone else's success for a while.

Cyndalie 10-26-2007 09:04 AM

For the record, EJ is stalking ME.

Mister E 10-26-2007 11:26 AM

and Mister E is stalking me...keeps saying BUMP

rhetorical 10-26-2007 06:57 PM


Originally Posted by EmporerEJ (Post 134530)
You are clearly on crack or some other hallucinogen.
I've got an idea, check your facts.
I was EVERYWHERE before you, and just like this thread, I only post In response to your childish remarks. (Which is probably a mistake to start with)

I can guarantee you a solution. Never post to me, at me, or about me, and you'll never hear from me.
Let's just see how long that could work, huh?
Go be jealous of someone else's success for a while.

I tried that emp and it doesn't work. Just more postings about hallucinogens and how much longer you have been in the business than me. Both erroneous arguments, but hey if it floats your boat and makes you feel impotent, well rock on.
And for the record, it isn't you this whippo is stalking, its me. Its been years now.

ScreaM 10-27-2007 03:37 PM

Damn, no one's stalking me.

EmporerEJ 10-28-2007 04:08 AM


Originally Posted by Cyndalie (Post 134532)
For the record, EJ is stalking ME.

Now THERE is someone I'd Stalk!

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