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-   -   How low will the US dollar go? (http://www.xnations.com/showthread.php?t=19756)

Evil Chris 10-25-2007 10:48 AM

How low will the US dollar go?
It has been in steady decline since 2003.
Compare it to any currency at www.xe.com and you'll see.

The only light that appears at the end of the tunnel is the November 2008 elections.
USA wake up! Your economy is going in the shitter!

Sheri Santiago 10-25-2007 11:19 AM

What boggles me is the magazines still advertise $4.99 US $6.99 CAD, you'd think they'd adjust that...

Evil Chris 10-25-2007 11:25 AM


Originally Posted by Sheri Santiago (Post 134449)
What boggles me is the magazines still advertise $4.99 US $6.99 CAD, you'd think they'd adjust that...

I wonder if I brought US cash to the store and tried to pay $4.99 if that would work.
I suppose they would have to let me pay that way.

Casa Nova 10-25-2007 12:46 PM

good way of thinking chris, I think I may be the first to experiment that American dollar for magazines theory lol

Vid Vicious 10-25-2007 01:25 PM

no one is accepting US as par .. as far as I know .. last month I had a hard time dispossing of some US currency ...

I predict the US dollar wil hit .80 before it starts it's climb back up ... but not before plateauing at .80 or .85

Sheri Santiago 10-25-2007 02:21 PM

Actually Easton's dad tried that at a local bookstore, he told them he wanted to pay in USD and the guy at the cash told him no, after a little haggling (his dad is hilarious doing that stuff) the guy just gave him a discount instead.

ScreaM 10-25-2007 03:20 PM

It'll soon be equal to the Canadian dollar.

Kenny B 10-26-2007 04:44 PM


Originally Posted by Sheri Santiago (Post 134475)
Actually Easton's dad tried that at a local bookstore, he told them he wanted to pay in USD and the guy at the cash told him no, after a little haggling (his dad is hilarious doing that stuff) the guy just gave him a discount instead.

Amazing he isn't Jewish!

I have been going to the states to do all my shopping, doesn't pay to convert my money then spend more.

Vid Vicious 10-26-2007 05:41 PM


Originally Posted by ScreaM (Post 134484)
It'll soon be equal to the Canadian dollar.

EQAUL ??? where you been ? that's so last month

current rate
1.00 USD = 0.961700 CAD

TheLegacy 10-26-2007 06:33 PM

I'm just thankful that our webmasters aren't starting to ask if they can get paid in Canadian dollars.

It's hurting all of us - but agreeing with Chris that not until the election are we going to see some change unless BOC does something to drop our dollar down. Already the finance minister is telling canadian stores to slash their prices because canadians are going across border to shop. Stores are saying "screw you" because many of them have the head office in another country and only a small warehouse here to supply stores - so the base price is fixed. Nice when politicians think they know what they are doing.

ScreaM 10-27-2007 03:38 PM


Originally Posted by Vid Vicious (Post 134572)
EQAUL ??? where you been ? that's so last month

current rate
1.00 USD = 0.961700 CAD

Damn, I need to update myself.

I didn't even know my country's currency has gained even more against the dollar lol.

peterk 10-30-2007 02:40 AM

The $$$ sucks these days

Stephane76 10-30-2007 08:41 AM

This is great for my Euro founds and Payouts :)

Evil Chris 10-30-2007 08:54 AM

This is from today, 30 October 2007.



Cyndalie 10-30-2007 03:08 PM

it's kind of funny the value of the US dollar seems to affect everyone but people in the US. No one here is even paying attention.

Evil Chris 10-30-2007 03:18 PM


Originally Posted by Cyndalie (Post 134780)
it's kind of funny the value of the US dollar seems to affect everyone but people in the US. No one here is even paying attention.

I find that a little frightening. Compare the US dollar on any G7 country right now and you'll see it's in a tailspin. Everyone's economy is strong except the USA. Your dollar is in freefall. You aren't noticing it yet, but if things keep going like they are, you'll certainly notice inflation, the prime rate, etc...

McKidd 10-31-2007 10:56 AM

I would not be surprised if many companies and programs start charging in Euros, and very soon as well.

Vid Vicious 10-31-2007 11:12 AM


Originally Posted by TheLegacy (Post 134581)
I'm just thankful that our webmasters aren't starting to ask if they can get paid in Canadian dollars.

It's hurting all of us - but agreeing with Chris that not until the election are we going to see some change unless BOC does something to drop our dollar down. Already the finance minister is telling canadian stores to slash their prices because canadians are going across border to shop. Stores are saying "screw you" because many of them have the head office in another country and only a small warehouse here to supply stores - so the base price is fixed. Nice when politicians think they know what they are doing.

good point .. the mian reason prices have not been going down in Canada is that most imported items are importeed via china or india and not the US .. so the prices have already been set .. it sucks ...

There was a story on the news a few days ago .. where a newfinlander went to the states to buy a new car and was refused by all the dealerships. because she is Canadian. The Big Four (car makers) sent out a memo to US dealerships ; Not to sell cars to Canadian. this women finally did buy a car in the US but under her American Cousin's name. Never the less she saved 16 000$ by purchasing the vehicule state side .. and has since started a class action suit against the dealerships for refusing her based on her Nationality .. hee hee

TheLegacy 10-31-2007 12:04 PM

It can't last any longer since when it comes to international traffic, they may start asking to be paid in either Canadian dollars or their own currency. Who ever holds the dollar value has the power, and Americans may find that with a weakened dollar, they can't get all that they asked for or expected now

GoodChris 10-31-2007 01:09 PM

I think the US Dollar is going to hover around where it is for awhile. This is all part of a master plan called the "North American Union" which will make Canada, US and Mexico all one big country and the currency will be the "Amero"

I would start buying up Amero's as soon as they hit market.

Evil Chris 10-31-2007 03:20 PM


Originally Posted by GoodChris (Post 134840)
I think the US Dollar is going to hover around where it is for awhile. This is all part of a master plan called the "North American Union" which will make Canada, US and Mexico all one big country and the currency will be the "Amero"

I would start buying up Amero's as soon as they hit market.

Oh you and your Chrispiracy Theories! :laughout:

monaro 11-01-2007 04:49 AM

Chris, hosting and domains are cheap for the blokes down under...

monaro :scram:

Funbrunette 11-01-2007 08:15 AM


Originally Posted by monaro (Post 134869)
Chris, hosting and domains are cheap for the blokes down under...

monaro :scram:

Well...well...Look what the cat brought back! :)

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