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hzoltan 11-08-2007 09:29 AM

Mandyiskinky.com launched at 21sextury Cash
Hi all,

Our 100% payout period has just finished, but we don't want to leave you guys sit back and relax, because here's our new announcement :)

We opened our brand new 100% exclusive site called
Mandy is Kinky


Fetish? Gothic? Bizarre? If this is the target of your traffic, you’ve come to the right place!
Take a look at Mandy Bright's new wicked playground and check out the wide range of wild scenarios she puts on screen.

Directed by the AVN-award winner mistress of the fantastic and the macabre herself,
the visitor encounters sizzling hardcore sex set in the wildest locations and situations,
from gothic latex vampires to a doll-fondling perverted teengirl – the sign-up ratio is guaranteed!

Start to promote with SPECIAL PAYOUTs so you'll get 70% for every single signup during the first month!
You'll find the already uploaded free hosted galleries, banners, etc. in the ad tools section.

Check the site at
Mandy is Kinky

If you like it and not already a 21sextury Cash affiliate, check the link below or see my sig!
21sextury Cash

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