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Has working in the Adult Industry changed you in any way?
It can be in any way..
I´ll share something "funny".. This is a thing that started a couple of years back, so its not something that was there from the beginning: It often happens that I "replace" words with adult ones in my head, just for a sec - before I see the "real" word. For example, last night I was browsing through all the channels on the TV, and theres this text section at the bottom which lists the current program and the upcoming one. So when I came to the Fashion channel, The next program listed is "F Party". Which is ofcourse Fashion Party. But my pornified brain entered "Fuck Party" for a sec. I keep on clicking and a program is listed as "The Best Shores", at first I saw it as "The Best Whores". Hehe. It tends to come and go, and it amuses me that I seem to have developed this Adult Word And Spell replacer/Checker function in my head. Automatically changing some words at times. Anyone else have something to share in this? Gotta be others that are experiencing some "side effects".. hehe. ;-) |
Well besides certain word associations I think working in adult for 10 years has only increased my sense of humor and "nothing's shocking" tolerance.
My balls grew 2 full cup sizes
Outside of that, my personal life has benefited since I am more outgoing and speak my mind (apparently people appreciate that). Also I think being 46 and 12 years in this industry I have a more open mind and creativity because of working in this industry.. not too mention a stronger network of friends |
I've always liked porn. I haven't seen much in the internet age that I hadn't need before.
What I never knew existed before however were all the con men in the world. |
I agree with chris about conmen. I never really had to deal with them unless they were on the wrong side of my camera in a documentary. The other thing is my typing speed has gone through the roof.
That's funny Visual...
I find that my attitude has changed the most... I used to be way sweeter, nicer and just overall more happily ignorant. :laughout: Now things have changed... |
Made me realize how many people hate their jobs.
I feel very grateful to be doing something I like. |
I have always been odd... I have always had weird thoughts, weird opinions... I was raised in a very open minded family where nudity wasn't a way of life but where it wasn't a taboo either... My dad always liked porn and never hid it from anyone. As a child, all my friends had L'Actualité and Chatelaine lying around, at my house, it was the Penthouse and the Playboy and I clearly remember asking my dad questions about what the people were doing and showing on the pictures...
Sometimes, at work, I have to bite my tongue because of what goes on in my head! (I'm a teacher... That's my day job...) Sophie. |
I've always had a very open mind, but working in this industry made me realize it's not all about cocks and tits. I've learned to really enjoy the marketing aspect of it and I'm still learning everyday.
It probably has changed me in terms of shock value (If it doesn't have anything to do with feces :laughout: ) nothing phases me much...Which is kind of sad if you think about it, but I guess it comes with the job. I was at my "normal" job the other day when someone was talking about DP (well of course right away I was thinking double penetration) nope it was Only Dr. Pepper! lol |
some good answers, i think i fit right in there with some words sometimes. i automatically think about porn vocabulary. I think porn changed the way i look at women as well ( works mostely for complete strangers )... :laughout: it s like i look at them in a more sexual way that i used to, and wonder how good they might be in bed ... or maybe i was always a Perv and it just got worse. |
I do that same thing. I've also noticed the last few years I've been thinking in "tag lines" instead of in normal sentences. I'm constantly looking for my next bad dirty joke or one-liner.
I have not been in the business that long but I think that I do not become as aroused from looking at porn as much as I use to. It is either that or the anti depressants I am on. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>
I have a friend that always talks of going for a facial.
Never ceases to crack me up. |
For me, it kinda gave me a new trust in people. I used to work as a typist temp during my college days, just filling in and making some cash on the side 'cause I type like a madman. And working in these offices, with sales people, regular clerkers, government military contract offices, etc etc... I started hating it. They're all such uptight repressed bullshitters... I read a thing once by Bob Weird, Grateful Dead guitarist, who went to a 20 year high School reunion, where he said "there was a lot of soul death there that day." I know how he felt, and this was just regular people. I started dj'ing in a strip club then. And the glaring difference between straight offices and strip clubs, where there's much less misogyny and bullshit because people aren't so repressed sexually that it affects their behaviour. Then, after Jerry Garcia died and the whole hippie scene trolling the deadhead/Grateful Dead crowd I followed collapsed, I started working for 2much, and doing shows, and actually experiencing that weird hippie communality and overall lack of bullshit deadheads had, and the lack of ass-grabbing harassment you find in straight offices. So i saw that business, fun and straightforwardness were able to co-exist. |
I think working in the adult industry has increased my sex drive.
Also, I tend to leer a bit in public. I love to watch women. I love breasts too. |
What's this in your sig about you being a mod here? :laughout: Who's cock did you suck? :laughout: lol |
Aside from changing my perception of production, marketing and website construction (all for the better), I have also learned that speaking with industry vs. non-industry people is something that should be handled with care.
Asking a girl if the bra she is wearing is part of a matching set, when she is non-industry, can end up not going so well. :P |
I have changed, I am even less interested in seeing naked women. I have fully learned to appreciate the wearing of lingerie and the reveal process.
I have also learned more about the online business and grew my skills as a marketer and designer. |
ok.. heres a good example of my "damage" from working in this industry.
Virgule creates this thread here: http://www.xnations.com/showthread.php?t=20086 And ofcourse I start thinking all kinds of naughty stuff with the "going down south". I mean.. they are just 3 innocent words.. right? ;-) Yet my mind makes it all very very naughty. ;-) I had to restrain myself from posting something in that thread.. ;-) |
Yes - it has made me more mature and I'm not kidding.
The porn industry has changed my life dramaticly ...
I learned about swinging .. knowing the difference between lust and love I learned that most people in this industry are more accepting and open . hense I found that I have created stronger relationships with people I never met. the list can go on and on ... My life has changed dramiticly some would say for the best while others might disagree strongly .. for me .. It's just different .. I'm a more accepting person, I've learned to control my jealousy, I've learned to appreciate people for whom they are rather then what they do .... I've learned that life is valubale and that you must live it to the fullest to completely understand whom you are and why your here ... lastly I've learned that everything comes to those who wait and never loser site of they're goals .... There are days that I wish I didn't do what I do .. but there are more days that I apperciate what I have. In the end .. I know that my life will change again when it enters the next chapter .. I look forward to my memories and my friends in the adult industry |
Very nicely said, Vid Vicious.
ok. this "word replacing phenomena" is getting worse... without thinking Im replacing "normal" words with adult related words.
I tried finding a review on the xbox game King KONG but couldnt find anything good.. I kept hitting search and nothing.. Then I saw I was searching for "King KINK". ;-) Damn!! things like this happens more and more frequently .. :-) |
*cracks up* I woulda been searching "King DONG" probably. All of my friends growing up were guys, so I pretty much always made "normal" stuff dirty - though there are things I used to mind less than I do now. Example: Before porn, I never had a HARD TIME (HA!) talking to people about the "stickiness" of their site. Now, it has a whole new direction on it. *laughing* As to the rest, the major difference is that I have to hide less. My sense of humour's always been raunchy and twisted, and finally, I am in a business that is OK with that. |
Fascinating question. :arrr:
I havent been in the industry for very long and my comment is a little off the original topic. In every other mainstream "office" job I always had to downplay myself. The two things that seemed to work against me is I am very outgoing and my tattoos. Its great to finally work with a company in an industry where what was preceived as negatives in other jobs are actually positives.
No influence at me at all.
The porn industry was/is part of my journey. It didn't change me... It's more like my journey brought me there.
Now if I had gone into mainstream marketing I most probably wouldn't have all those kickass story to tell but nope this journey was meant for someone else ;-) |
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