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Evil Chris 11-20-2007 10:28 PM

Can someone from Australia send me some vegemite
I have never tried it.
Might be good. :bless:

Virgule3 11-20-2007 11:07 PM

Are you freaking crazy? That stuff tastes like... Well, you saw two girls and a cup right? I have never tried "that", but I have tried vegemite and it can't be worse!


Evil Chris 11-20-2007 11:17 PM

How bad can it be? This kid seems to be enjoying himself. :)


Cyndalie 11-21-2007 11:05 AM

What is it?

Evil Chris 11-21-2007 11:18 AM

The jar says.... "concentrated yeast extract".

The Aussies love it. I wanna try it too. ;)

RageCash-Ben 11-22-2007 01:15 AM

ofcourse they can :) :laughout:

hit me up on icq and we will get it organised :)

Evil Chris 11-22-2007 09:11 AM

Do you eat it Ben?
Am I going to like it?

Maybe my son will start having it every day for breakfast.

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