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-   -   End The Year With A Bang! GET $125 FOR EVERY IMLIVE SIGN-UP 'TIL THE END OF 2007 (http://www.xnations.com/showthread.php?t=20050)

pcashron 11-26-2007 02:24 PM

End The Year With A Bang! GET $125 FOR EVERY IMLIVE SIGN-UP 'TIL THE END OF 2007

The most profitable year in ImLive's history ImLive is about to go out with a bang. ImLive is still in the midst of a massive traffic explosion, and the largest webcam arena on the net is sharing the profits with you. Due to ImLive's AMAZING success rate, and thanks to all of the webmasters who pushed the hell out of their traffic, PussyCash has decided to make this winter our most generous yet, with massive payouts for every ImLive sign-up. Send your traffic to ImLive and continue getting $125 for EVERY single ImLive sign up you send in December!


Make every sign-up count this winter and shovel in the cash.
Send your traffic to ImLive and you'll get $125 for EVERY sign-up through the end of 2007 with NO minimums and NO targets! It's snowing money at PussyCash, and it's up to you how much of it winds up in your pockets.

Pack your site and stuff your pockets
Place tons of ImLive promo tools on your site, including niche video banners, geo-targeted banners and the ImLive theater module to get your traffic ready for action. Affiliate Program Managers are available 24/7 to tailor any promo tools to suit your needs. And when your traffic converts, you'll get the fattest payouts on the planet.

Cash in with the PussyCash-ImLive killer combo!
If you've never promoted ImLive, this is your risk-free opportunity to cash in on the ultimate combo of high conversions for every type of traffic with the highest commission possible.

Take advantage of the high acquisition payouts and start now. ImLive converts every stream of traffic with effective solutions for every niche, and PussyCash provides the promotional tools you need to get your traffic motivated.

Click here to join us now and get $125 for every single ImLive sign-up from now until this generous campaign ends.


Hit me up
ICQ# 348938181

Evil Chris 11-26-2007 02:57 PM

Great news Ron. I was hoping you guys were going to extend this awesome promo! :xthumbs:

spideriux 11-27-2007 04:55 PM

nice promo.. but could convert better for me huh :)

Evil Chris 12-30-2007 02:55 PM

Everyone got their Pussycash links up?

Relentless 12-30-2007 08:22 PM

No offense Ron... $125 is a nice offer, but I usually do better than that on each member I send you using Rev Share heh.

PussyCash I'm Live is a great program ;)

ScreaM 12-31-2007 08:58 AM

That offer is too cool.

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