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TABAsst 11-28-2007 07:59 PM

Introducing SexGoesMobile affiliate programme
SexGoesMobile is an affiliate program focused on erotic content for mobile phone users using the mobile internet. Inspired by successful adult affiliate programs on the internet, WAP Masters promote their mobile sites to cellphone users on the mobile internet.

How does it work if I don't have a mobile site yet?

- Our Mobile Page Generator instantly builds your site
- Use your own logo, choose your own layout and choose the products you want to offer.
- Then you're ready! You just need to host the generated file on your server.

How does it work if I already have a mobile site?

- Choose the SexGoesMobile products you want to promote
- A product link will be automatically generated
- Just insert this link into your existing mobile site and start earning money immediately

How can I earn money?

Live video chat
- Our video player (m-stream) is installed on the user’s mobile phone, then view live video streaming with interactive chat function from any webcam sender.
- User will be charged per minute

Video downloads
- All the popular video categories and niches
- Updated on a regular basis

How will the user be charged?

- Direct to customer’s mobile phone bill in 19 countries, more to come
- Via customers phone bill means one-click payment for mobile phone users, no need to fill out forms
- Other countries will be charged via credit card
- 50/50 revenue share after operator costs

What else do you offer?

- Detailed analysis tools
- Traffic tools
- Top lists
- Push surfers from WEB to WAP
- Offline marketing tools
- SexGoesMobile Online Seminar
- Everything you need to know to make money in the mobile business
- Topics such as page design, traffic, earnings and techniques are covered and lots of interesting resources will be provided.

For more information and to sign up, visit www.sex-goes-mobile.com


"Wireless is the wave of the future, the crown jewel in the electronic distribution and delivery of content" - Larry Flynt.

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