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Sandra Shine 12-01-2007 03:02 AM

Sandra Shine's Cash 100% payout
Hey webmasters,

My site celebrates its 2nd anniversary and so I am giving 100% payout to all my referring affiliates untill Decembe 31st.

If you are interested you can sign up here:

I provide you with all the necessary tools like FHGs in 6 designs, batters, promo pictures ...

Just a few examples:

And so many more...

See you later :)

Sandra Shine 04-29-2008 05:33 AM

Just a few of my latest galleries:<o></o>
Stocking lover lesbians<o></o>
Sweet Orgasm <o></o>
Sonya and Sandra having lesbo fun<o></o>
To singup to my program please visit THIS link <o></o>
Have a nice day <o></o>

Sandra Shine 07-04-2008 10:24 AM

Dear Webmasters,
I hope all is fine with you and business rocks ;)
Let me tell you why is it exceptionally worth to promote my official website, SandraShineLive
-I have been in the erotic business for 9 years now been on the biggest magazines covers have made tons of DVD covers as well. Been a US Penthouse Pet twice.
-My official site not only has 100% exclusive and high quality pictures and videos but I also lett he members look behind the scenes. They can follow up all the off camera happenings in my backstage picture sets and videos.
-I let them follow my private life thru my sexy diary and I have a whole section for my personal videos
-This is not only a fan site as I have many sets with my girlfriends as well
-I have a full webmaster’s tools section with all the necessary promotion tools to make your job easier.
If it wasn’t enough for you, please check a couple of my promotion tools as well:
Hope to see you as one of my partners why not profiting from my success?

Sandra Shine 11-26-2008 03:15 PM

New design and tour pages
Dear Webmasters,<o></o>
We created a brand new and more efficient free tour only for the affiliate-referred surfers making sure they will sign-up more easily!<o></o>
Look here: http://www.sandrashinelive.com/05_tour/pages/tour_01.html<o>

</o> The whole webmasters area got re-designed for your easier use. <o></o>
We added the promo pictures in bigger size and in better quality now they are all 1000x1500 and there are 20 images from all updates.<o></o>
There are also 3 brand new gallery templates for you to use.<o></o>
Please visit the webmasters tool section to check out all the tools:<o></o>
http://www.sandrashinelive.net/webmasters/02_pages/main.html <o></o>
My latest updates for you to submit:
Upskirt foot fetish masturbation gallery with Sandra Shine in stockings...
Blonde babe Sandra Shine gets naughty in the mens restroom... http://www.sandrashinelive.net/d_03/php/restroom.php?ID=YOUR_ID

Dont forget to promote my other quality website www.CruisingGirls.com <o>
</o> For webmasters details and info please visit this page:<o></o>
http://www.cruisinggirls.com/05_webm...ebmasters.html <o>

</o> Love<o></o>

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