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RageCash-Ben 12-11-2007 10:34 PM

Milky Way Galaxy's Über-Splendorous Galactic Center!
This image is linked to a humongous 7000x5000px high res version.


Now keep in mind that the milky way consists of millions and millions of stars and the universe consists of millions and millions of galaxies just like the milky way!

How people can think we are the only life in the universe is beyond me.

RageCash-Ben 12-12-2007 10:41 PM

hold on,

its the superunknown

Evil Chris 12-12-2007 10:45 PM

awesome picture Ben!

SFS 12-13-2007 12:06 PM

"Now keep in mind that the milky way consists of millions and millions of stars and the universe consists of millions and millions of galaxies just like the milky way!"

And the Milky way is ony one among billions of other galaxies.


There seems to be recent evidence of other universes as well outside our own..

TheLegacy 12-13-2007 01:29 PM

That's weird - where's 12clicks? I thought he was the center of the universe - or was that just my universe.. aaahhhhhhh

ScreaM 12-13-2007 09:47 PM

That's a great picture.

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