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XXXBizTV.Com 12-14-2007 01:13 PM

XXXBizTV pre-penthouse VIP party (HOT GIRLS,food and drinks!)Whos in?(pics)
XXXBizTV pre-penthouse VIP party (HOT GIRLS,food and drinks!)Whos in?(pics)

<HR style="COLOR: black" SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->yeaaaaaaaaa let the party begin.

Im having a VIP Invite only Cocktail type Xmas party on Saturday
(15th) ,3 blocks from the penthouse party from 6.30-9.30 pm in Montreal.

Its invite only as Im not a big sponsor with a program and mega bucks.

the scoop!

Hot girls...
Top Line drinks + Beers
Fantastic food

Lots of everything,no queues,no stress everything will be smooth(hey Im a party girl http://www.gofuckyourself.com/images.../1orglaugh.gif its gonna rock !
I have already contacted the people that I work with but I kept 20 spaces for people I missed off the list(forgot) and to offer invites to people I have never met so that I can get to meet new people.

If you would like a invite no matter how small a part you play in the biz icq me.

And if I miss you we will all be at the penthouse party later .

Have a great xmas peeps.

Claire XXXXX
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Stinger 12-14-2007 01:22 PM

Hoooooo you can bet your ( super pretty ass Miss) I will be there.....

Stinger will attend this little dinner organized by one of the niciest person in the Bizz I know ( and a beauty tooooo ....)

See you there and all the peps I know COME we will have a blast :)

Cheers !

FreakySteve 12-14-2007 02:47 PM

Hi Claire,

I tried adding you to ICQ but it didn't work.

Casa Nova 12-14-2007 04:00 PM

I can't wait :) You'll have the sexiest guy in the bix there... Me! Bam haha

I love lieing to myself haha

Evil Chris 12-14-2007 11:27 PM

Have fun... see you afterwards at KOI :)

Jimmidean 12-15-2007 11:56 AM

Already booked for a few meetings and dinner but see you at the party and have a great pre party.

XXXBizTV.Com 12-17-2007 04:50 AM

It was great to see you casa nova ,and stinger well it wasnt going to be a party without you there.

I had a fantastic nite hope you all did too

Claire xxxx


XXXBizTV.Com 12-17-2007 04:55 AM

thanks Jimmi ,but youll have to get your schedule sorted !.

My party first and if I dont have one check out the others :)

just joking hope you can make the next one I put on

I hope both you and Jenn have a great christmas and new year

Claire XXXXX


Jimmidean 12-17-2007 10:11 AM

Next time,
But it was great to meet you at the Penthouse party anyways.
Cheers and Merry Xmas

Casa Nova 12-17-2007 12:54 PM

It was great to see you Claire, it was a great party, I got more biz done there too.

I hope it wasn't to stressful putting it together, you should be proud :)

Evil Chris 12-17-2007 02:25 PM

I heard that the pre-party stole the whole show!! ;)

XXXBizTV.Com 12-17-2007 07:26 PM

Thanks Casa Nova,to be honest it was a lot of stress as I wanted to put on the perfect party.

I wanted great guests,great food,nice music,a sorted of chilled relaxed vibe where you didnt have to wait in a crowd for a drink and the chance to either just chat or do a little networking.

Guess what I got ?.

All the above and more thanks to yourself and everyone else that attended.

XXXBizTV.Com 12-17-2007 07:31 PM

Thanks Evil Chris

For a 20 year old girl new to the biz trying to learn to be both professinal but fun and taking gambles like this makes it all worthwhile when I get a great comment like that.
Of course I have support but its still all my responsibity

You made my day :)

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