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-   -   Happy Holidays from IslandDollars.com (gift inside) (http://www.xnations.com/showthread.php?t=20296)

The Ghost 12-21-2007 11:46 PM

Happy Holidays from IslandDollars.com (gift inside)
IslandDollars.com 100% Revshare Dec 25th & Jan 1st

As a thank you to our affiliates, we thought it would be great to have as a special gift this year 100% revshare on December 25th and January 1st. Hopefully it will add a little extra cheer and be a great start for the New Year. We've never done anything like this before, so hopefully everyone takes advantage of it and make lots of cash for those holiday bills :)
Sign up here: IslandDollars.com
No need to put up special links, you will get 100% of the initial sale for both those days. Just send traffic and sales and you get paid. With our sites, especially LadyboyGold.com, you could be looking at $70 per sale. Make sure you get those links up now to get ready.
If you need anything special for promotion, you can contact me anytime. I'll be online to approve any new affiliate accounts so contact me via icq for immediate access.

</o> Thank you and Happy Holidays!

keithwoo 12-23-2007 11:58 PM

Nice gift idea i am sure people will like it

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