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Evil Chris 12-25-2007 09:06 PM

Working this week?
I'm working a little bit. Answering support and I even made time to submit a couple of galleries yesterday too. Not much today though... Christmas day after all right? ;)

Relentless 12-25-2007 09:58 PM

working working working....

<br><a href='http://www.noolmusic.com'><b>Beastie Boys - No Sleep Till Brooklyn via Noolmusic.com</a><br><embed src='http://lads.myspace.com/videos/vplayer.swf' flashvars='m=1468056604&type=video' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' width='430' height='346'></embed><br><br><b><a href='http://www.noolmusic.com/blogs/YouTube_HipHop_RnB_Music_Videos_Beastie_Boys_-_No_Sleep_Till_Brooklyn.shtml'>Get Video Code For YouTube HipHop RnB Music Videos Beastie Boys - No Sleep Till Brooklyn</a></b><br><br>

SFS 12-25-2007 10:09 PM

Yup, back to the grind tomorrow. actually been doing little bits over the weekend..

RageCash-Ben 12-26-2007 03:52 AM

No rest for the wicked :D

RageCash-Ben 12-26-2007 03:53 AM

Merry Xmas btw mate - All the best for you, steph and your little one!

Funbrunette 12-26-2007 08:51 AM

Yup I'm back to work this morning! Yeah!!!! :mad: lol It's HUMP day....Almost Friday!

Terrence 12-26-2007 09:27 AM

Do webmasters ever really get time off? I have been working on and off throughout the holidays. GF was not too happy. :geez:


Cyndalie 12-27-2007 12:28 PM

Working today and tomorrow. Then off till next Wed! :) WOOHOO!

Rochard 12-27-2007 01:00 PM

I took off Monday - through Wednesday. Back to work on Thursday and Friday.

Evil Chris 12-27-2007 01:55 PM

I'm almost caught up! It's great how signups just don't slow down at all during Christmas. :xthumbs:

Evil E 12-27-2007 02:00 PM

I bought a laptop, a wireless laser keyboard+mouse and some blank dvds at the boxing day. Is that working?

GinaCochina 12-27-2007 02:26 PM

I was off Saturday-Tuesday, which was incredibly great. It would have been even better if I had done anything besides vomit!

ScreaM 12-27-2007 06:11 PM

Yeah I am working as usual. Will do some blog posts later today.

Cyndalie 12-28-2007 12:26 PM


Originally Posted by Evil Chris (Post 137946)
I'm almost caught up! It's great how signups just don't slow down at all during Christmas. :xthumbs:

So true! Almost had a record day yesterday

dyonisus 12-28-2007 12:47 PM

I am working this week, though I took Xmas and Boxing day off.
Working New Years Eve and Day as well.

ScreaM 12-28-2007 01:31 PM


Originally Posted by dyonisus (Post 137989)
I am working this week, though I took Xmas and Boxing day off.
Working New Years Eve and Day as well.

Excuse the ignorance but what is this Boxing Day now?

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