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Funbrunette 01-04-2008 08:55 PM

Ask your most embarassing questions in HERE!!!
I'll go first...

Can someone PLEASE tell me why is it that when we eat asparagus our pee smells like it less than an hour after consumption? :laughout: Doesn't do that with any other foods...

Panky 01-04-2008 09:12 PM

lol... Ewww... Asparagus... lol! There's a compound in asparagus that gets digested and deposited into the urine that makes it smell that way. I just can't remember what it is called. lol! Not everyone can smell it either. The veggie is really good for you though.

Embarrassing questions... hmmm... let me think... lol!

Relentless 01-05-2008 08:42 AM

Little known fact...

If you eat enough asparagus (I mean bowls full), your urine will actually be able to stain marble. In a past life I was on a construction site where the stone masonry contractor failed to give his men a meaningful xmas bonus one year. They all came to work eating asparagus all day and then climbed ladders at the end of the day and pissed all over the walls of the bank lobby they were working in. The next day there were streaks stained into all the marble on the walls and the work had to be re-done...:geez:

painful 01-05-2008 11:04 AM


Originally Posted by Funbrunette (Post 138251)
I'll go first...

Can someone PLEASE tell me why is it that when we eat asparagus our pee smells like it less than an hour after consumption? :laughout: Doesn't do that with any other foods...

Coffee does it too!

Rania 01-05-2008 12:04 PM

OK here is one.

I can't beleive I'm going to write this down :laughout: Is it just me or do you have a hang up when it comes to going "# 2" with the person you're dating in the same room? You need a buffer zone no?

Terrence 01-05-2008 12:12 PM

Ladies this one if for you do you prefer if a man is circumcised
or not?

painful 01-05-2008 01:45 PM


Originally Posted by Rania (Post 138257)
OK here is one.

I can't beleive I'm going to write this down :laughout: Is it just me or do you have a hang up when it comes to going "# 2" with the person you're dating in the same room? You need a buffer zone no?

If they're in the bathroom with me, yes I had a problem, or if it was explosive and loud. Otherwise, no I just went.

Panky 01-05-2008 01:52 PM


Originally Posted by Rania (Post 138257)
OK here is one.

I can't beleive I'm going to write this down :laughout: Is it just me or do you have a hang up when it comes to going "# 2" with the person you're dating in the same room? You need a buffer zone no?

Yes. Always have. If he's in another room, fine. What I can't stand is if I'm on the toilet and he just walks in to grab a pair of underwear from the clean laundry or God forbid talk to me because I couldn't hear him through the door. Either that, or if I'm in the shower and he has to use the bathroom at that particular moment or again, has to talk to me about something that usually amounts to nothing important. Pisses me off every single time. Sometimes, I can be a royal bitch to him when he does that stuff. He doesn't do it often anymore, but it still pisses me off every time. I like my privacy! lol!

Rochard 01-05-2008 04:40 PM

How many straight men are turned on by Casa Nova in drag?

Visualad 01-05-2008 06:35 PM

My question is:

If I (happen) to shoot my load in a girls eye on the Very FIRST Sexy Time we have - who should be embarrased (if anyone). Her or Me?

Funbrunette 01-05-2008 07:45 PM


Originally Posted by Visualad (Post 138266)
My question is:

If I (happen) to shoot my load in a girls eye on the Very FIRST Sexy Time we have - who should be embarrased (if anyone). Her or Me?

No one it's hilarious! You should be proud that you're still young enough to shoot that hard...lol :laughout:

Terrence 01-05-2008 09:14 PM


Originally Posted by Rochard (Post 138264)
How many straight men are turned on by Casa Nova in drag?

I'm totally turned on :pornshoot Hahahahahaha!

painful 01-05-2008 09:32 PM


Originally Posted by Funbrunette (Post 138267)
No one it's hilarious! You should be proud that you're still young enough to shoot that hard...lol :laughout:

I'm 32 and I can shoot the wall behind us with a nice loud splat. When I was a teenager I was able to hit the ceiling, no lies. My girlfriend at the time thought it was funny, until her dad asked what the stain was from.:scram: :huh:

Rochard 01-06-2008 03:30 AM

How many people here have had crabs?

Panky 01-06-2008 04:41 AM

I have eaten the crustaceans, but never had pubic lice, A.K.A. crabs.

Evil E 01-06-2008 02:04 PM

no std here.

Virgule3 01-06-2008 04:39 PM


Number 2: Not in the same room... But if he's in another room, ok...

Circumcision: I don't care as long as it's always clean.

Casa in drag? Major turn on! héhé

Load in eyes: I like it on my face so it's bound to happen! ;)

Crabs? From Alaska, yes...

Question: Guys... What do you think when a girl has a "vagina fart"? What comes through your mind? I hate it when it happens!!!


Evil E 01-06-2008 04:44 PM


Originally Posted by Virgule3 (Post 138283)

Question: Guys... What do you think when a girl has a "vagina fart"? What comes through your mind? I hate it when it happens!!!


A "Vart" or a "Queef" is part of the game. Sometimes it can be funny and it's just that... nothing much. It's not embarassing or turn off in my book.

painful 01-06-2008 08:54 PM


Originally Posted by Virgule3 (Post 138283)

Question: Guys... What do you think when a girl has a "vagina fart"? What comes through your mind? I hate it when it happens!!!


I laugh and it always throws off my rhythm, but the same as if i fart during sex or while getting head. For some reason it cracks me up. One minute you're in this serious situation, fucking like a pornstar, then !BLAMO! you're 12 again and laughing at the sound.

Funbrunette 01-06-2008 11:13 PM


Originally Posted by painful (Post 138289)
I laugh and it always throws off my rhythm, but the same as if i fart during sex or while getting head. For some reason it cracks me up. One minute you're in this serious situation, fucking like a pornstar, then !BLAMO! you're 12 again and laughing at the sound.

Ok let me get this straight you fart while you're getting a blow job? :laughout: That's so fucking baaaaaaaaad! I would bite your dick off!

Evil E 01-07-2008 01:29 AM

note to self: do not get a blow job from FunBrunette after going to the Sugar house.

Platinum Chris 01-07-2008 09:44 AM

If you're tag-teaming a broad with your friend, is it gay if the balls touch?

Cyndalie 01-07-2008 12:22 PM


Originally Posted by Funbrunette (Post 138292)
Ok let me get this straight you fart while you're getting a blow job? :laughout: That's so fucking baaaaaaaaad! I would bite your dick off!


Casa Nova 01-07-2008 01:55 PM

This thread is cracking me up you guys are hilarious lol

& to answer your question Rochard, Everyone is turned on by me in drag, my hairy legs are irresistible!

MediaGuy 01-07-2008 11:52 PM

you know what really embarasses me to ask? And i'd like a real answer... how do these automated TGP auto submitter things work? i mean really i'm no fan of TGPs for quality traffic but I'd love to know how to use'em and that's one of those fields i haven't bothered looking into... i like handcrafted stuff, you know?

ok now where's that blushing smiley...

Panky 01-08-2008 01:54 AM


Originally Posted by MediaGuy (Post 138341)
you know what really embarasses me to ask? And i'd like a real answer... how do these automated TGP auto submitter things work? i mean really i'm no fan of TGPs for quality traffic but I'd love to know how to use'em and that's one of those fields i haven't bothered looking into... i like handcrafted stuff, you know?

ok now where's that blushing smiley...

If you're serious, hit me up and I'll fill you in.

Rania 01-08-2008 08:56 AM


Originally Posted by Platinum Chris (Post 138299)
If you're tag-teaming a broad with your friend, is it gay if the balls touch?

Did this happen to you? I would say no but you can easily find positions to make sure your boys dont touch, unless that's what your going for :laughout:

Cyndalie 01-08-2008 09:25 AM


Originally Posted by MediaGuy (Post 138341)
you know what really embarasses me to ask? And i'd like a real answer... how do these automated TGP auto submitter things work? i mean really i'm no fan of TGPs for quality traffic but I'd love to know how to use'em and that's one of those fields i haven't bothered looking into... i like handcrafted stuff, you know?

ok now where's that blushing smiley...

Yeah really, especailly when every damn place charges a partner fee to 'review' submissions.

Stephane76 01-09-2008 02:39 PM

caca talk?

2MuchMark 01-10-2008 07:58 PM


Originally Posted by Platinum Chris (Post 138299)
If you're tag-teaming a broad with your friend, is it gay if the balls touch?

It is.

And why don't you call me anymore?

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