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Rochard 01-13-2008 03:28 AM

Lesbians & The Birth Of Richard
Very few of you know my legal name, and I would prefer it stays that way. I have nothing to hide from anyone, I just don't like my legal name. Here's how I got the name "Richard" - which is really my nickname - and how I came to like lesbians long before I entered the adult world.

There I was, a brand new Marine, fresh out of boot camp and fresh out of my initial. I was knew to town and had few friends. In the Marines we all called each other by our last name, and rarely first names. Everyone knew my the first initial of my name because it was written on nearly everything I owned. One night a handful of my new friends and I went to a strip club and got loaded. We met a beautiful stripper named Lisa. Custom was when introducing yourself to a woman it was done by first name, but no one knew my first name - only my first initial "R". One of my fellow Marines, drunk, introduced me as Richard, and the name has followed me around ever since.

I started to hang out at this strip club and spend a lot of time with this Lisa chick. She was stunning, perfect body, blonde hair, blue eyes. It turns out she had an apartment in town and spend her off time in her condo at the beach. Our first date was a weekend stay at her condo where we fucked like rabbits.

It was during this weekend she told me she hadn't slept with a man in nearly two years, but instead had been dating another woman. It turns out she was from Vegas and married her high school sweetheart who joined up for the Marines. She moved to Jacksonville, NC, to be with him, only to have him return with a special gift after his first float - herpes. She swore off men, got a job as a stripper, and quickly learned that most strippers were lesbians or at least pretended to be such.

We started dating, she had a girlfriend, and the girlfriend knew about me. I had never given thought to lesbians at this point in my life but watching them work together turned me on. It was only a matter of time before all three of us ended up in the sack together, and this quickly became a regular thing.

After a year of this, Lisa and I married.

It was rather odd; I had a wife and together we had a girlfriend. We threw wild parties, threeomes and moresomes with other women became the standard. However, after three years of this it was still strange and I wanted to "grow up". Silly me. When I was dischaged from the Marines I drew a line in the sand and said "ditch the girlfriend or I walk". She said no, and I left.

The name Richard followed me.

For reasons I won't explain here, I ended up in California and started dating a girl I'll call "Gail". Gail had never thought about having sex with a women (this was late 1980s), and it took a lot of discussion to get her to that point. We ended up having threesomes with her two of her friends, and I spent most of my time waiting for the next threesome. I was hooked like it was crack.

Three years pass, I'm working nights as a bartender, she's working days, I'm pretty much fucking anything that isn't nailed down. Chicks dig bartenders for some odd reason, and if sex didn't involve two women I wasn't remotely interested. I got caught up in the party life, and Gail kicked me to the curb but wasn't missed.

At some point I grew up, got a real job, and started making good money. I started dating a woman named Karen who, again, had never thought about having sex with another women until I brought it up. She was looking for a husband and I was decent enough (I guess), so she gave it a try. We turned to her best friend first, and then a few friends of mine. The more threesomes we had the more I craved it (like crack), and she was unable (or unwilling) to keep up.

Since then, any relationship I've been in I've pretty told them up front about my desires. Some women walked there and then, others said "sure". The ones who said sure stayed for a while.

So now you know how I got the nickname of Richard, and now you know how I came to love lesbians.

If your wondering why this is so wordy, well, I'm writing a book.


RageCash-Ben 01-14-2008 12:00 AM

Hey that was a cool post. Sounds like you have lived quite a life rochard.

Funbrunette 01-14-2008 09:01 PM

I remember reading that somewhere before...your ambush? Over breakfast after a wild night of sex? Now tell me young man when will you be coming to Montreal? :time: I'm counting the days!

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