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nenablue 01-15-2008 11:57 AM

New Erotic Nude Concept!!
Hi, Nacho and Richard here, from www.nenablue.com. We are looking to tempt you to earn some money from becoming an affiliate to our website, and also to be of assistance to you in the way of providing support to a higher level than what you get with most affiliation schemes.

Drop us a line to talk about our new project, and also if you have any questions, queries, or proposals about the level of traffic that you have, as we could possibly give you a better deal on the ‘standard’ webmasters returns!

Our site is unique, and the content will make anyone who sees it, fall in love. You will not regret becoming an affiliate partner with us, and it will be profitable for you in the long term; and for what, a few minutes work a week!

Thank you very much!!!

You Can contact us:


Mail: nacho@nenablue.com

ICQ: 207783223

MSN: i_sanchez_naranjo@hotmail.com

Skype: nacho.blue


Mail: richard@nenablue.com

Skype: richard.sean.needham

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